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The Week That Was


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just got back after a week in our favourite place we saw fabulous skies, endured wind and rain, saw stupidity beyond description, drank wine ,and cooked fabulous food as well as eating in some great places, i have photos. and will post some later on ,once all the unpacking is done, one other thing Hello Dannyboy nice to meet you even if it was calling across the Ant cheers 

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Hey Bob, it was great to see you (twice!) - only sorry we didn't get to sit beside the river for a few hours together with our ladies!  I forgot when we waved, that I am Broadsword here, but glad you made the connection! Looking forward to a bit more detail of your cruise... :D

We didn't see too much stupidity, but there is always some...  We certainly enjoyed (endured) the rain and wind!

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ok this is what we saw at Ludham bridge , i call this a touch of madness . only saving grace was he  was wearing a  buoyancy aid , there were other children doing exactly the same thing on the other side of the boat .


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The tide can pull hard down there if it is dropping... Not good if a kiddie falls in.  We saw a dog go over from just about the point in your picture, a couple of years ago... thankfully other people saw him go and he had a LJ on, but he had floated six boat lengths away before anyone got close to hoiking him out!


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