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Speeding Speedboat

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I really thing some people should be locked up. 

Why would anyone think it appropriate to speed past moored boats on the Yare at around 20mph,  in the dark. 

He must think he has super powers to be able to drive at that speed,  around blind bends,  

What a complete and utter Tw#t.

I believe this is the same boat that moored at Coldham Hall earlier in the evening with another speedboat ,,  at least his friend kept to the speed limit,  probably because he wasn't fitted with nav lights and it was dark .

Bloody oxygen thieves. 

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I would think that a few flash photos would be enough to make them rethink, followed by taking it up with the Broads Authority. A video of the event would require a strong search light, and it could mean that the offender looses his night vision, not recommended of course.

However, if you think a crime is in progress !!

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Is this the same boat that is mentioned on the NBF , that in its haste and lack of consideration for others has not only caused damage but an elderly gentleman was hurled out of his bed and they think we'll need hospitalization.   The boats name is similar to Free time or Freetime.     The trouble is when something like this does happen you are too busy rescuing everything around you and making sure that family and friends are ok , the last thing you think of is a camera or taking a number of the boat.     Whoever it is that is doing this being a small or a large boat they need to get a conscience.


I am sure in the circumstances no one will mind if I copy the post over.


I would love to have a chat with the driver of this blue & white sports cruiser who came past Reedham Ferry heading upstream at 16:10 June 11. 

Doing about 8 MPH, with a good multiple 12" wash. 

You only spilt my tea and knocked everything off shelves onto the floor, no big deal. 

The boat next to was rocked so badly that an elderly gentleman was thrown out of his bunk, and might need a hospital visit. This same boat suffered some major damage, inside and out. 

Please get in touch, and yes River Control have been informed.



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