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The River Bure , Upstream Of Wroxham Bridge


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:wave i too love coltishall, there's not much up there to really see, but there's something quite quiant about the place, & it's always so peaceful up there & there's plenty of mooring, & a nice little walk to the pub & post office , you don't see many boats in front of the pub, do you have to pay for that ?  lori

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On 18/06/2016 at 10:42 PM, BroadScot said:

Not that I know of Lori. Someone may know different?


we moored up right in front of the Rising Sun ,and because i was brought up ,rather than just assuming i could moor there for nothing , I went in and asked a very pleasant and helpful member of the staff if there was a charge , she told me that there was no charge and i could moor there for the evening ( big thanks for asking first ,manners cost nothing ) as long as i was gone by 11am the following morning . we had great fish and chips in the evening so much food i thought i was going to Pop ! Visit " the Rising Sun " have a meal you will not be disappointed . cheers

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Forgive me for disagreeing with the esteemed AJB (whom I hold in great respect), but while the bottom of that section (Colt Common to the lock) may well have been dredged recently, there were at least two obstacles with which my 3ft keel collided when we went up there a couple of weeks ago - perhaps tree branches, but big ones if they were....and we were stirring stuff up with the keel in several places even though we were only using a small outboard on near-tickover.  I'd never dream of attempting to hoist sail above Colt.

And the tree growth along the river behind and upstream of the Norfolk Mead is such that a real slalom is required unless you drop the mast, with one or two badly (loosely) moored long-term boats positioned at the most critical bits which didn't help much...

It's still do-able, but getting harder every year because of those over-arching trees.

Lori - I suspect the gaps near the Rising Sun are less to do with fees (none that I'm aware of) but I and many friends wouldn't choose to moor directly outside any pub, especially overnight, simply to avoid the possibility of any rowdies (not that I've ever seen any at Colt...)

Above Wroxham gets close to the idyll above Beccles in my book - both lovely stretches which would benefit from a little more management (observation, not a dig).

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