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Oulton Broad Trip


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Having got fed up with sitting on the mooring we decided to take a trip to Oulton Broad. We left just before midday on  Tuesday, arriving mid afternoon having had a really lovely trip which believe it or not involved a very jovial conversation with the operative at Somerleyton bridge!, It's a first in the 8 seasons we've had on The Broads. We stayed for 2 nights eating on Tuesday night at The lady in the lake another 1st but it was pouring with rain and we didn' want to venture any further. At first we couldn't understand why the restaurant opposite was fully booked and the lady on the  lake was practically empty. We soon twigged!. I ordered a sirloin steak and asked the waiter to inform the chef that if it was tough it would be finding it's way back to the kitchen  The steak was perfect although not cooked rare as requested but very  tender. Naively we requested a wine list They don't have one, well with only 2 wines on offer they don't need one really We ordered a Shiraz, it was truly disgusting. If I hadn't broken the seal myself I'd have sworn it was watered down! The steak and trimmings were perfectly fine but the side salad? That consisted of hacked salad items, most unattractive, but to their credit when I asked for salad dressing  other than the bottle of salad cream on the    table the chef made some and sent it out in a little jug. Full marks for that. Wednesday even though it was raining yet again we walked up to the Red H erring, we had an absolutely superb meal. I had a skate wing that came with a huge portion of perfectly cooked samphire  and beautifully cooked new potatoes.Tony had a smoked chicken Caesar salad which he declared delicious and we also had a very nice bottle of Malbec. All well worth the extra walk in the rain. This morning we woke up to a howling wind which persisted all the way back to Brundall. It was so windy that for the first time ever were unable to come in on our own berth having instead to come in on a double width berth 2 along from our own. Still we're back in, if the wind dies down we'll move  on to our own berth.




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