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Save taxpayers money by shifting the expense to the Parish Council???

That is real man maths if ever I saw it.

"Honey I've just spent £50K on this wonderful new car, it does not use any petrol so look at all the money we can save" reply "But my little sweetie, it uses diesel instead".

Same pair of taxpayer trousers just a different pocket.

I was once told that if you want people to behave in a certain way that you you should make that behavior as "convenient" as possible, examples:

If you want people to take rubbish to a council tip and not drop it  by the roadside, make it easy

If you don't want people to wee behind bushes and bus shelters give them somewhere "convenient" to wee.


How silly of me.

If we transferred all the expenses of the District Council to the Parish Councils we'd save millions!!

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