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Few Pics From The First Week Of Our Holiday

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So we started our hols on the 5th April, the first night was spent in Acle. Since then we've done 2 nights in Yarmouth, one in Brundall, 2 in Norwich and one in Cantley. We're on our way to Beccles as I write this post. We've visited the King's Arms Yarmouth, Ram in Brundall, Bell hotel Norwich and the Reedcutters in Cantley. Also various bars in Norwich that for some reason I can't remember the names of, the Broads truly are a special place. 


















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Hi, I like the picture going into Norwich if I'm right. It's nice for the dog for walkies where you've been going as for the Food I hope the Boat doesn't go down too much with the extra weight you are carrying and need to exercise more to keep your waistline in order 😆 

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16 minutes ago, Andrewcook said:

Hi, I like the picture going into Norwich if I'm right. It's nice for the dog for walkies where you've been going as for the Food I hope the Boat doesn't go down too much with the extra weight you are carrying and need to exercise more to keep your waistline in order 😆 

You are indeed correct, tbh the waistband hasn't been in order since I was 19, 13 years ago lol. Only live once though!

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