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Webasto HL24 does not fire

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Hi, I wonder if anybody can offer any suggestions?

We have a Webasto HL 24 (apparently early 1990s vintage) fitted on our boat.

It was last serviced 3 years ago or so, and will start up first time and run perfectly for as long as required.

However, once it has been run, and left to cool (overnight for example) the next time it is used it does not run, the switch turns the light on (basic on off plus temperature control) but no fans or pumps start running - it is just dead.

The only way to revive it is to isolate the power supply for a few seconds and re-connect. Once this has been done, it will fire and run perfectly again - until it is turned off.

It can be worked around and has happened for years now and again, but now that it happens 100% of the time it is pretty annoying!

Any Ideas?



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It's locking out for some reason, the removal of all power resets it, unfortunately control box parts for this model are now very scarce and it's not really worth the several hundred you would pay for a new control box if you could find one so you may have to live with it until it finaly dies.

It is not reccomended (and I certainly did not recommend it) but you could put a make / break switch in the supply to make resetting easier.

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I thought the answer would probably be BER due to needing a new control board. I take it there are not likely to be any serviceable/testable components/tracks on the board that typically might have failed - I haven't opened it to look.

It is actually wired via the battery isolator, but I was planning to fit a dedicated switch this weekend as a more usable workaround anyway.

The hull needed a lot of planks this winter, so I don't think she has enough brownie points to get a new heater for a bit!

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I thought the answer would probably be BER due to needing a new control board. I take it there are not likely to be any serviceable/testable components/tracks on the board that typically might have failed - I haven't opened it to look.

It is actually wired via the battery isolator, but I was planning to fit a dedicated switch this weekend as a more usable workaround anyway.

The hull needed a lot of planks this winter, so I don't think she has enough brownie points to get a new heater for a bit!

There are some servicable parts inside, but not worth the candle really, in my view your direction is more than acceptable given the situation, but don't tell Webasto :naughty: ..

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