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Hunsett Mill


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I just came across an old Picture of Hunsett Mill from back in the mid 80's when it was my favourite place and as far as I was concerned the most beautiful place on the whole of the Broads until they ruined it, we Moored at Wayford at the time and passed it every time we went out and back, I can't say I every remember the boat Hunsett  moving but we often saw the owner in the Garden and a few times had a cup of tea with him, I thought he was a lovely guy and he always had a cheery wave for us and I'd always shout how nice the Garden was looking when we passed him, the odd thing is that although we spoke to him many times I never actually knew his name, I would think he's turning in his grave looking at what they have done to the old place, does anyone have any information on the man that used to own it, I was told that he had purchased a lot of land opposite the Mill to stop it being developed, but have no idea how true that was,,,,,




















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Yup! Soundings it has been done to death I agree, but on this one I'm more interested if anyone has any info on the guy that originally owned it, Like you! I'd love to live there even now and try and return it to something like it was, but the lottery people won't let me win, I'd also like to buy Thurne Mill another place that they seem to be letting go a bit lately,  



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Just found some interesting stuff on Hunsett here, http://www.norfolkmills.co.uk/WindmillsD/hunsett-drainage.html  I remember the owner being a Dr but I still don't know his first name although he knew mine, I remember the damage to the sail well as my screen and canopy got wiped out at the same time in the 87 storm, a sheet of corrugated iron off the roof of the workshop at Wayford killed them both, thank God even back then I had insurance,,,



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Hunnsett waffle are you sure the guy in the garden was the owner......

Cuzz me ole mates dad was the gardener there and had a beard.......!!!!!

just a tbourght........

pooor hunsett boat was made a mess by a numptie who ripped it to pices made a bit orf pigs ear.......orf it last seen by me onto a lorry.....

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Jon! I actually thought it may have been the Gardener, the thing that made me think it was the owner was we only saw him at weekends and he let us moor there for a few times, and I'm sure that in one conversation he mentioned he was a Dr, all I remember about him was, he was smartly dressed, quite tall and had grey/white hair, Sad to hear about Hunsett though, I loved that boat and always wanted it or one just like it,



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