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nice to be on the broads


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Hi all                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

just like to say  how much we are enjoying our time on the broads, after having to drive to Essex every time we wanted to get on board

It is nice to be at the boat in 20 minutes.

Watford bridge has got to be one of the nicest parts of the river ant, loads of wild life always on the move up and down the river... and the goose Ziggy who patrols the road way through John's boat yard

Legend has it that if the goose is in a foul mood ,John can be found in the same frame of mind.

They are nice people how own and work at the yard so we can put up with goose.... he seems ok once you get to know him.

Had a meal in the Watford bridge pub , good grub can be found there so all we want now is the long hot summer they are predicting and all will be well


All the best  Lyn and Russell


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The warm summer begins in 24 days! Thats how long till I drive over 400 miles to get down again to the beauty, that is The Broads. Never knew Watford Bridge had move up the Ant to WAYFORD Bridge ;)

Delighted to read you are enjoying The Ant. Get a smaller boat to go up to Dilham, Lyn and Russell. The Cross Keys pub is unique. I wont spoil the surprise there :norty:


cheers Iain.

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Iain beat me to it, originally coming from Edgware near Watford I thought I had been caught in a time warp like Groundhog Day, I must say the Ant has to be my favourite place and second is the part from Wroxham to Coltishall, we used to moor at Wayford years ago before John owned it, but after Mike passed away we moved to Broadsedge, even after thirty years of mooring on the Ant we still rarely make it out onto the main rivers, usually Ludham is as far as we make it, I just find the Ant a magical place, you can do the same bit of river an hour later but it will be totally different, 



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Hi Russell,


Anno what you mean with these tablets and androids, I have thick fingers, so use a Stylus pencil. 

Frank I couldnt agree more about Wroxham to Coltishall, and unless the tides turn nasty, I will get through the bridge and go up there when I am down on hols. Also be toodling up the Ant to try take pics of the Kingfishers.


cheers Iain.

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