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Save Berney Arms Pub

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(Bit of a duplicate post but it seems the other thread is easily being overlooked)..


Planning permission sought to turn Berney Arms into a house :( 


Object to the BA planning here:






(More details here: ).

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It is very sad when a business fails despite efforts to make it a success but ........


You can't run a business if it doesn't make a profit unless it receives subsidies which I suspect no one would support so what is the alternative.


Find somebody who will invest in the pub and keep it open regardless of income?


Let the building fall into disrepair


or allow change of use ...... I would have thought that a condition of change of usage change might include a clause to retain public mooring facilities.


As I am not in a position to favour the pub with my custom I feel it would not be correct to object to the planning application.

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