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Posts posted by AdnamsGirl

  1. Hi Howard

    As you know I have to be a little approximate on the dates as the articles come from folders which span 2 or 3 years. On this one I have checked out the date of reopening with another source and it does concur with the date I suspected it to be! If it's wrong ... don't blame me!! :naughty:

    It is not 1994 I'm afraid.

  2. Barry mentioned about the Landamores Vestella which went missing in the 1950s on his thread, but Santa Caterina was another Broads cruiser which was stolen in the 1970s. It was hired to a German freelance writer and his family and failed to return to the yard at the end of it's fortnight's hire - it was finally located at Brightlingsea in Essex with the family asleep onboard. The hirer claimed that he was not told that they couldn't take the boat out to sea!! :o

  3. Hi Tony

    PZ certainly is a beautiful boat ... we have seen it out and about on the Southern Broads a few times. In fact I think I have a couple of pictures I took when we were moored at Surlingham Ferry a couple of years ago as you passed .... see woody boat, take picture of woody boat! :lol:


  4. Hi PZ

    Underneath the box into which you type a reply to a thread you will see a blue box with tabs entitled "options" and "Upload Attachments" - click on the upload attachments, then click on the browse button to find the image that you want to upload on your computer. Click on that file and then click the "Add the File" button beside the browse button. Wait whilst it uploads it and then submit your post as normal.

  5. Hi geoff

    Yes, that is another very interesting book! I am intending to add a list of books on various aspects of Broadlands history to the newly created "Further Reading" section on BM .... but maybe we should start a "Books On Broadland's History" thread on here? There have been a lot of fascinating books published over the years and I would be keen to know of others that people have read that I might not know about.

    Coincidently, ther postman has just this minute delivered another wherry related book to me - "Our Wherry In Wendish Lands" written by HM Doughty in 1891 which is an account of his trip through Holland and up to Bohemia on the Norfolk Wherry "Gipsy". Not an original copy mind you ... a reprint from 1985!

  6. Hi

    Pete Sanders has kindly given me permission to publish the photos of The Lord Roberts that I metnioned earlier in the thread, on my website. They were taken in 1983, shortly after she had been refloated and taken from Womack to Wroxham. Just scroll down to the 5th picture from the top:


    I have also managed to get my own collection of photos c1905 on .... lots more wherry pics amongst those including one which features 13 wherries crossing Breydon together:



  7. I think the Salhouse canoe expedition will wait until the late Spring!! :naughty:

    There are a group of paddlers planning a camping/canoeing weekend on the Broads at the end of the week ... I don't envy them one bit! :o


  8. Hi

    My apologies if anyone has tried to access the Broadland Memories website this morning as it has been offline for a while!

    Basically, I had to upload the entire site afresh this morning (which took 4 hours!) due to some major changes I have been working on over the last month or so. The majority of these are not something that most people will notice, but just things which will make my life a little easier when it comes to adding new stuff to the website. For example ... I currently have 27 pages in the 1900-1950 photo Gallery and, because I had a numbered link at the top of every page to every other page in that Gallery, it meant that if I needed to add a new page I would have to upload all the others too! This took some considerbale time so I have now changed the way that the pages link to one another.

    Things you will notice are that there is now a link to the sites search facility in the header buttons on every page and the paper & Ephemera directory has now been added to the main Archive page. I also got rather distracted by completely revising and re-writing the Pre 1900 history which is now very much expanded! There are also new additions to the various Galleries too with more to come over the next month or so.

    I have not had time to check the entire site yet ... but I think everything has uploaded successfully! However, if anyone notices any problems (missing pages, photos, news cuttings etc) then please, please let me know via PM or email so that I can sort it out as quickly as possible.

    Many thanks!


  9. Hi Sirdar

    Another self confessed Woody fan here ..... it's the old Brooms that do it for me though, especially the Admirals - just beautiful craftmanship! I do love the 1930s hockey stick designs though. Should those lottery numbers come up then there will be a few nice old wooden cruisers and launches in my personal boatyard! :naughty:

    I have a confession to make though .... I did rather fall in love with a lovely soft top Broom 29 that was up for sale at Brundall a couple of years ago! :o

    Some fabulous photos of Banhams cruisers on here - thank you for posting them and I shall look forward to seeing some of the photos from your fathers old albums.

    One thing though .... I am sure that I can't be the only one to have noticed that when you hover over one of the pictures you have posted that the name of the boat pops up in the tool tip! It makes the guessing aspect somewhat easy !! :lol:

    The tool tip will display whatever the name is that you've given the image on your PC ...... if you want a "Guess The Boat" then you will have to re-name them before uploading.


  10. Bossy? BOSSY !!! Hey ... I freely admit to be a terrible nag where getting old photos and memories of the Broads out of people is concerned ... but bossy? :o

    Oh alright .... maybe just a little bit then ... :oops::lol:


  11. Yes ... of course with Barry's permission ... sorry I should have said! :oops:

    It would just be shame to see a thread which contains such interesting and valuable information and photographs about Broadland's history, such as Barry has provided here and also Sirdar in the Banham's "Cruiser" thread, just disappear amongst more topical and general Broads related chat. My thoughts were that if I was looking for information regarding aspects of Broadlands past ... boatyards included ... then the "Historic Broads" section would be my first port of call.

    I'm not being bossy .... honest! :lol:

  12. Some more great photos as usual Barry!!

    There are a series of pictures of one of the early 30s 4-berth cruisers which Ted Landamore built, on which the later Vestas were modelled, in the 1900-1930s Gallery on Broadland Memories:


    The boat this party hired was called Kaori .... sister ships also had the Japanese themed names of Myori, Ikari, Omori, Tama, Nikko and Delta, Wanda and Melba.

    For anyone that is interested in reading more about landamores history, there was an excellent book witten by John Yaxley called "The Elanco Story" which was published in 1998. It is now out of print, I believe, but copies often turn up on Ebay. The Museum Of The Broads did have a few copies for sale, but I think they have now sold out!

    P.S. Should this and Sirdar's Banhams thread be in the Historic Broads section rather than general Broads related chat?


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