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Posts posted by AdnamsGirl

  1. There is also apparently a large wherry graveyard on the Yare .... just below Postwick Bridge is a large, crumbling wooden dolphin (see Google maps link below - area marked by a place marker) and behind this is where they dug out the Norfolk Keel. There are (were) the remains of dozens of other wherries here.


    There are also the remains of some wherries on the main River at Brundall - on the left hand bank, a short way upstream from the Southern entrance to Surlingham Broad.

    Marshman ... if you do find that list then I would be very interested to see it too!

  2. I think the best place to see some wherry remains is Surlingham Broad. At low tide you will see the skeletal remains of several of them poking up through the waters surface ... I have got some photos somewhere which I will see if I can find. The link to the Google map below shows exactly where that graveyard is:


    I think that there are also supposed to be some on Rockland Broad? .... I haven't noticed these those. There certainly are others dotted around, but I think that a lot of them were used to shore up banks etc and you won't really see very much now, if anything. There is certainly at least one at Barton, and if you know where to look, you can apparently still see Dragon's tabernacle at Oulton.

    The remains of a wherry were found at Womack staithe in 2006 when they were renewing the quay heading - you can see some pictures of that on the Ludham Community Archive website:


  3. Hi

    I came across another news snippet on the Lord Roberts .... I am not entirely sure of the exact date, but beileve that it's c1975-77. It seems that there were plans to ship her off to a museum in Lancashire.


  4. Well that took all of 23 minutes!

    Well done DG, it is indeed the Ferry Inn at Horning and the year was 1977 .... I thought the Silver Jubilee flags might give it away!! :naughty::clap

    The news story was that the Ferry Inn were introducing a traditional British food menu in celebration of the Queens silver jubilee.

    I'll try and find another one at some point!

  5. Hi Howard

    I don't remember Starlight .... but it certainly was weak! It was nice to see a mention of Norwich's first micro brewery at the Golden Star. Before my time, but Kev remembers their beers with fondness!! (I was drinking in our local pubs at that time but was only 15/16 - Adnams of course, although I did like my Abbot at that time .... the landlady was quite happy to serve me at lunchtimes whilst I was still in school uniform! :o )

    Back to the quiz ... it's not Coldham Hall.

    And Jonny ... it's not the Bridge at Acle ... it's not The Berney Arms .... but .....

    It also is not The Fishermans! :)

    Unfortunatley Lab there is no date on the article that this picture came from ... it is a folder marked 1986/87 ... but there are other articles which do have dates of 1985. I cannot be 100% certain, so I will give that one to geoff as he was close enough!

    The lady in question had been the landlady of the pub we are looking for for 28 years ..... the flowers around the bar were due to the fact that she was retiring!

  6. Oops! I've made a bit of a cock-up! :oops:

    I labelled the picture as being 1986 .... following Howards bombshell that the Norwich Brewery closed in 1985, I have been back and double checked ..... donnygeoff had it right ... it was 1985! cheersbar:clap

    It is not the Swan ... or the Maltsters ... you are all looking too far North!

    Something else which I did find that might be of interest (to Howard at least! :naughty: ) is this website which has a history of Norwich Brewers. Wow .... the list of the smaller breweries prior to Watneys takeover in 1963 is incredible.... mind you .. there were quite a few major breweries too! There is also an historical breweries list which goes right back to the 1500s.



  7. I run XP and had an Epson C64 for quite a few years .... great printer but it really ate the ink! I always used genuine Epson inks, although I did try a compatible once and wasn't very happy with the results. It died just before Christmas ... one of the jets became blocked and nothing I could do would unblock it!

    After seeking advice over a suitable replacement, I plumped for a Canon IP 4600 in the end. It was slightly more than I had wanted to pay (£75 through Amazon) but I am seriously impressed with it. Stunning picture quality on photo printing, but the speed at which it prints is amazing! The old Epson used to take forever but the Canon just spits them out. At present it also looks as though it is going to be an awful lot more economical in its ink use too. The Canon IP 4600 has come out tops in quite a few reviews in computer magazines etc. and I can see why. The other bonus is that you can also print direct onto suitable CDs/DVDs ..... although I am still trying to fathom out how to do that!

  8. We certainly did notice how good Albion was looking after all her work last year! :)

    As for chartering her ... maybe it is an idea for a NBN get together, if twelve like minded souls were interested then it would only cost between £25-30 per person for a whole day's sailing ..... or if one of them happens to be a member of the trust then it would only be £20-25 per head. You would apparently even get the chance to try sailing her yourself! :o



  9. Hi Sirdar

    Many. many thanks for that information! I hadn't realised that there was also another wreck at Salhouse .... once the weather warms up then I think a canoe round that part of the broad to take a closer look will be in order. If they once belonged to the sea scouts, then one would presume that there must be records within that organisation relating to them, or maybe even pictures!

    P.S. Brian/Mods ... do you think that this thread deserves to be in the Broads History section as it has thrown up quite a bit of interesting hitorical info?

  10. I came across another article about the Lord Roberts yesterday, dating from June 1984, which I thought might be of interest on this thread. It would seem that the Wherry Trust very quickly realised that they were not going to be able to do anything with her as all their funds were needed for Albion. In 1984 the trust offered the Lord Roberts to the Broads Authority as an exhibit for the (then) proposed Broads Museum.


  11. Yes it is more the turn up and go, or pre-book 30 minute to three hour trips that I'm thinking of. Thank you for the links and suggestions so far!

    I absolutely love the idea of the Waverley paddle steamer if they are running trips out of Yarmouth this year .... I guess it's probably too early in the year for them to have finalised a timetable for the season. There used to be so many steamers running up and down the east coast , so that one really appeals!

    The coastal Voyager at Southwold seems to offer a variety of trips, but the 30 minute sea blast does look like fun! Direct link to their website:


    I'm not sure about sailing trips ... I get motion sickness on flappy boats on the Broads so I'm not sure that I would cope at sea. The Thames barge river trips sound nice though. Whilst it is possibly a thought for others, I couldn't tag along on a sea fishing trip boat as I have a strange reaction to the smell of fish - one whiff and I turn green and have to reach for the nearest bucket!! :o

    It seems that they do still do trips on the amphibious vehicle at Hunstanton ... although it wasn't painted up to look like a shark when we went on it:


    And there are the Beans Boats seal trips at Blakeney - something we have been meaning to do for years, but haven't got round to it yet:


    There are trips running from Yarmouth out to Scroby Sands but I cannot find a website or even a contact number for that one. I guess it's just a case of turn up and hope that they are running trips on any particular day. I would like to go out and see the wind farm as, whilst not everyone would agree, I think the turbines are beautiful! We will definately be going on the Orwell Lady river cruise from Ipswich to Harwich in the spring though!

    Many thanks!


  12. Hi

    I could probably answer this myself with a bit of Googling, but thought it might be of interest to others who may be looking to do something different on holiday, and that some of you may already have some links and information.

    Are there any pleasure trips running out to sea from the Norfolk & Suffolk coast? I know about the seal trips out of Wells and Blakeney but wondered what else was on offer. I remember taking a trip out of Hunstanton during the early 90s on an old military amphibeous vehicle ..... a little unexciting as the sea was like a mill pond on that particular day, but it was still an extremely interesting way to view the coastline there.


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