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Posts posted by VetChugger

  1. I'm not ging to speculate at this stage about the rights and wrongs until there is more information on the circumstances. The report does not specifically state that this fella was the one to call the RNLI.

    Lets just wait and see before we have another kangaroo court on here ...........!

    • Like 1
  2. I'll secomd what both Gramps and Peter suggested. A simple elasticated whip, a few ready made pole rigs with the biggest floats and some ground bait, disgorger and landing net. Yes also to barbless hooks. You might lose an odd one but they will also be much easier to unhook. Simple baits like bread or sweetcorn if you don't fancy maggots and quite a few don't. If you have ever experienced the great maggot escape on a boat you will not take them again!

    The advantages of this simple setup is that you will almost certainly at least catch some small stuff with the occasional decent fish to light up your eyes! Also you won't have the sometimes frustrating experience of trying to put the right shot on the line to cock the float.

  3. I may well be firing up some dead embers but I make no apology for that! And I think the point I am about to make is relevant to all posters, not just the "members"!

    " It,s easy to keep a boat clean and tidy, giving other people a good impression and opinion of you! In which case people will not assume the worst and leave you in peace."

    I think this statement is the height of arrogance and not at all considerate of individual peoples abilities. If your boat is near to trees or any overgrowing vegetation it is not at all "easy" to keep clean. It seems to take no time at all for the "green" to attack a boat and, if you are adjacent to a roadway or busy footpath there will also be dust which sticks infernally when its wet! Even a 20 foot cruiser takes some effort to clean externally when you include the hull. Even when armed with all the latest gizmos and lotions! Add to this that the owner may well live some considerable distance from the boat.

    So please don't make any mistaken assumptions when you spy a boat in a less than pristine condition.


    • Like 3
  4. I happened to be wandering around Wilkos yesterday seeking odds and sods and noticed that they stock a

    "Classic Motor Oil", a mineral type, 20/50 and, therefore, suitable for most ancient chugging BMC's etc. £15 for 5 litres

    in a "proper" can as well. Seems reasonable and useful and leaves you with a useful can to boot!. Not sure where to put this, so, if the Mods want to

    shift it, please do.


  5. The lower level flying certainly added to the drama. I was playing cricket in Leeds at North Leeds CC by Soldiers Field in the late 70's. It was Gala Day at Roundhay Park.

    The Red Arrows approached form all points to converge over the arena and go into a funnel like steep climb. The timings were not announced and I was coming off my long run to deliver one of my snorting yorkers and two of them came screaming over the cricket field. It truly felt as though I could literally reach up and touch them they were so low. It was a very impressive entry that lingers long in my memory.

  6. Add to that the fact that Marseille is not a city I would choose to go for my holidays! It is a really rough port run by gangs and gangsters who the Krays would run awy from!

    And I suspect there is a lot of truth in what you say Wonderwall. More a case of both the Russian and French local roughs going on a "wind up, provoks and attack the England supporters" romp. Sadly the image of previous England "fans" still prevails!

    • Like 2
  7. Grumpy hat on!!!

    Never had any decent fish and chips in Norfolk. Until they start frying in beef dripping and take the skin and bones out of the fish they will never match what we get in West Yorkshire. Always fresh Haddock or Cod and its not reformed into regulation blocks or squares like I've encountered in Norfolk.

    Best effort I have had in Norfolk was from a place on the road into Norwich from Thorpe. Apart from the midden in Potter, the worst were in Great Yarmouth. Terrible experience! I have actually tried them all at one time or another including Wroxham and Horning. The locals in Brundall said the one on The Street there was wonderful. Sadly not!

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