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Posts posted by VetChugger

  1. I found an old thread about this but the links in have expired! On my boat I have one of those chromed sticky up drum type filters with an upside down "u" pipe on the top. It has a removable filter that may have been in there since it was built for all I know.

    Anyone know what type of replacement I need and who might sell these? I have searched various web pages including ASAP and Brian Ward but can see nothing that would appear to be a "Cartridge type" insert. They all seem to be disposable inline jobbies!


    cheers in advance for any help!

  2. Is there not still a Garden Centre At Blofield near Brundall? It was doing a cracking trade when I last visited a year or so ago. Failing that, The Hardware shop in Brundall just off The Street is a veritable trojan horse of a place with all the stuff you would also find in a garden centre and some pot plants etc!

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  3. I've had similar experiences many times especially with Grendels overdrawn scenario. 99.99999% of the time these letters are never touched by human hands and automatically sent out by bots!

    The machines are taking over the world!!!

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  4. Great photograph there Vaughn. Brings back fond memories of a few stays I had with a mate who upped sticks to a derelict farmhouse he got for hardly any money at all at Montaner in Pyrenees Atlantique and proceeded to renovate this into a wonderful dwelling. The friendliness, helpful nature and hospitality of the folk there was warm and genuine. The general way of life really attracted me but, somehow, I lacked the actual gumption to actually shift! Something I occasionally regret.

    My daily visit to the boulangerie and relaxed sessions in the bar just passing the time of day with so many different folk was very tempting indeed. Although I love Yorkshire and The Broads I am a tad envious!

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  5. My Old Man was a great believer in the CO-OP and we did the majority of our shopping there. This was in the day when they still had traditional department stores. I was a tad "rough" on my shoes and seemed to wear through the soles rather rapidly. I found myself going to school in some monstrosities called "Goliath".

    They were literally work boots without the collar for the ankle! Great thick moulded rubber soles. I didn't half get some stick at school! Much to my Dad's mystification, I somehow managed to wear through these just as quickly. Partly due to my desire to wear the bu**ers out and get a different pair. Imagine my horror when I discovered that they had an unconditional (almost) guarantee for 12 months! This kept me in Goliaths for some six years having at least a pair a year!

    It seems Goliath still exist very close to where I live! I shall not be visiting!

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