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Posts posted by VetChugger

  1. I tried a similar device once. I found that, on most of the Broads, there was not enough depth for the thing to work effectively. The blurb for this does not mention a minimum depth needed! I would stress that most of the spots I tried it were on nice quiet "fishy" moorings and didn't try it in the middle of the Yare for instance!

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  2. Very good contribution MM. I have always thought along those lines as well. Yes, the Lakes are all about fun and leisure but not speedboat based disruption that would dominate most of the water area and intrude on fellside meanderings.

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  3. I thought so. Only slightly confused because Jon stuck these up on one of his sets of "Wayford daily action" posts!

    Wondered if he had undertaken some "civic improvements"!

  4. Not one to get into this somewhat stupid and ill concealed bile spitting nonsense. Both "sides" have pluses and minuses. One thing common to both is that there is interesting reading.

    All these barbed comments stem from daft personality clashes in the past and have resulted in this ridiculous "us and them" attitude. Folk on both sides being guilty. And please do not restart this awful "other side bad - our side angelic" moderation stuff. Its all be said before.

    I will simply visit and enjoy both.

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