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Posts posted by VetChugger

  1. I would have thought that a surveyor that notes oil/oil and water, they would also venture an opinion as to the cause. You should not have to pay money to learn something anyone could see with a torch and, maybe, a bit of wriggling!

    As for boat seeking, have a browse of Dans site, This will take you to most of the websites of most boat sellers on the Broads. Scroll down and down and down!




  2. Time they got rid of the Sugar telethon, its had its day and all those rehearsed "witty barbs and slogans" that Sugar utters really make me cringe!

    Not least the servile attitude that Sugar seems to think they must all adopt towards him! "Good morning Lord Sugar" in unison.......yuk, yuk and thrice yuk I say!

  3. I'm with Ricardo on this. I used to be out a lot in winter on "Glenmore" and, in the cold, depended quite a lot on the electric posts because my webasto was woefully small for the size of boat. Again, as Ricardo has said, there were very high water levels occasionally when I was out and this never ever had any effect on the availability of the posts.

    As for calling this bickering, surely its discussing the pros and cons of a power supply in winter? I also think there is some credence in the comment about the "new" posts being of a design more suited to caravan sites.

    If a discussion like this is now viewed as bickering, then, this site becomes no more than a sterile bulletin board!

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  4. Thought we were "outlawing " politics here? "Affordable housing"! Affordable to who?? The definition appears to be  “Affordable housing is housing deemed affordable to those with a median household income” ! Given that this is in the region of £25.000 per annum, what relation does this bear to the so called living wage?

    Its the proverbial load of rowlocks!

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  5. Definitely floating pontoon at Brundall. I was at Brundall Gardens and had a fixed mooring initially. The difference (rise and fall) was so significant for my Norman 23 that I had to start timing my departure/returns to a certain tide level. If I arrived at the boat at the wrong time I literally had to lie flat to be able to unzip the canopy. Being narrow beam, the gunnels are fairly narrow which made getting down onto the boat with the canopy up was very iffy indeed. Eventually I managed to convince the marina bods that it was actually dangerous! They swapped me to a floater!

  6. On a much simpler basis, my Norman 23 had a radiator plumbed into the heat exchanger circuit. Got very warm although its only free heat really when on the move! You happen to be at the helm then and not getting toasty next to said radiator. Was good for "passengers"!

  7. 5 hours ago, 40something said:

    My boat has still got its original gelcoat non slip decks, which is great but they are hard to clean, will give this stuff a try :91_thumbsup:

    Was even easier using my Aldi petrol power washer to wash it off on its low setting using the canal water! Almost made it a doddle! Need to leave the stuff to "cook" for a while before washing off. Especially good for textured surface of gunnels.

  8. For heavens sake! They are both in their 80's and he worries about his wife! He feels the need to occasionally explain Pru's odd comments or memory lapses. I think its admirable of the pair of them to do what they do and share with us.

    I wonder how many of us will be up to that sort of activity when we are their age! Yes, I know there is "behind the scenes" support. Does it lessen the thing for me?? Not at all.


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