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Posts posted by VetChugger

  1. I'm with JanetAnne on this one. If the yards are taking the proverbial in over charging for fuel I will return ther favour by filling up a degree. Enough to make my overall fuel spend something like the standard pump price available to privateers! Goodchilds is a good source at a very good price usually. I'm afraid I don't subscribe to the arguement that the yards have to make their money. They both have and take the opportunity to do so  in the hire price. At a southern yard I hired from, I asked, on takeover, what they were charging for fuel. They looked at me very suspiciously and were totally hostile to me and the rest of my friends for the whole of the holiday. As it happens I did not top up the tank on that occasion due more to lack of opportunity than intent!

    • Like 1
  2. Don't you like ducks and swans then Robin?

    Feeding them bread has, for some time now, been recognised as a factor in the decline of health especially. Feed them bread all summer, they don't know how to look for their natural food when you are not around chucking in mothers pride! Famine!

  3. We used to make throwing arrows. Piece of bamboo about 18 inches or so. Screw a heavy bolt into one end and then split the other end to stick some "flights" in. Cut notch into the bamboo about 3/4 of the way from the bolt. Length of string about 24 inches with a big knot one end. Wrap it around the bamboo by the notch so it catches the knot. Wrap the rest around your first finger to keep the string tight as far as the bolt and use it as a sling and the thing would go many miles! Well, seemed miles at our age!

  4. The New Inn at Rockland is excellent. All of us voted this to be the "pub of the week" and that included food offerings. Number two was The Kings Head at Coltishall which was also excellent but, menu wise, a different experience entirely. The New Inn is not "gourmet" food but simple, well prepared and presented and delicious just the same.

    The Landlord is a real character. It was my eldest son's birthday and he was plied with free drinks and shots! We did have a great night.

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  5. No mention of The New Inn at Rockland Staithe as yet? On our trip last week this was our favourite by some distance. Plus, as long as you sup, they will stay open! Unlike some other supposed top watering holes that have tumbled down our "A" list as a consequence!

  6. I had the smallest Waeco fridge which, size wise, was the replacement for the very common Electrolux. It had what they called an "accumulator". This was simply a block around the freezing compartment that froze during the day. Press a button and the motor would not run again until the block had thawed.

    Always seemed to last until the moring. Best fridge I have had but not at all cheap and simply too small when I moved to larger boats and increased my onboard beer drinking capacity!


    • Like 1
  7. Really excellent reading, thanks very much.

    " We only went about 100 years or so beyond the bend before we decided to give up and row back.

    Maybe this bit should be in the Time Travel thread! I thought I read somewhere that Waxham Cut had been both dredged and cut back. I used to wander down on my Norman. Had some blissfully peacefull nights down there.

  8. Craftinsure are very good, especially for us more "modest boaters" with Normans and the like. Like N&G, also backed by Zurich Insurance. We also have members who have, unfortunately, had to claim and report a very smooth and trouble free process.

  9. Fred, like a few others, I have stuck a "like" on your post. I agree with almost all you have said and, far from a rant, its even handedly put. The one bit I will disagree with is a tiny part of what you say about todays younger generation. I have two sons who just about fit into that bracket. I have watched them struggle to find secure and reasonably paid work that would provide some semblence of a career. They stuck at it and are both gainfully employed now. I think you might just agree that, when we were young and leaving school/college, we could pretty much walk from one job to another with little fear of unemployment. I do think the state of  todays emplyment market does little to encourage our younger generation.

    Rant/lecture over!

    • Like 9
  10. Not really appropriate to put a "like" on this post but what an incredible account of what these people do. I could very easily go off on a rant about surrounding factors but that is not appropriate at this time either. Some of what I deeply believe is actually said but the firefighter.

    Nobody can measure what society owes these people.

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