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Posts posted by VetChugger

  1. A very fitting tribute to a Broads boating pioneer. Just a shame that the legacy was tarnished by the unfortunate events surrounding the demise of the fleet and yard. Events seemingly beyond Langford Sr's control.

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  2. Welcome John, already good advice has been offered. What I will stress is take your time, the looking, trying out, wandering around, long debates over alcohol of should we/shouldn't we, oooooo, its got one of those! This is one of the best bits of boat ownership and it is to be enjoyed. The main initial thinking is around a basic lists of "must haves"!  Its also well worth while looking at boats away from the Broads area as they do carry a price premium similar to the Thames.

    Most of all, enjoy it.

  3. Can't comment regarding the dogs but you have chosen an excellent boat. We had her this, oop's, last year and had a grand time. Great yard as well. Good that "Breeze" has a bow thruster to get off the Pacific mooring! This you will appreciate when you set off!

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  4. When a student nurse I worked behind a bar to inflate my income a tad, confused the heck out of me when little old ladies approached asking for a milk stout, I refuse to reveal what I tried to do the first time I was asked!

    As for Double Diamond, worked wonders did it not?

  5. Five star Cuprinol I hope! That will impress Griff who (tongue in cheek bit) could have earned a fortune if a fee per mention was available!

    Excellent advice about its use though.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Some more overtime for that as well! I got a Spinflo four burner with oven and grill which fitted, just in a space previously occupied by the flavel! Smev also do some that have a reasonable reputation. Its the old old story, put the word "boat" anywhere near this stuff and the prices goes into the stratosphere!

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