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Posts posted by VetChugger

  1. We had "Westering Home" out from Breydon Marine back in the late 70's. I remember her as a spacious, comfortable boat. It was around that time we had always fancied hiring one of those steel boats of theirs like "Lady Carron"  and "Waveney Halcyon" but never quite had the funds on student nurse wages!

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  2. My day can't kick off without that smack of caffeine! I have a yen for that smell of fresh ground coffee but can't get on with filter stuff and Cafetières so I bought one of these! Does anyone else have one or have experience of one? Advice needed!


    I got some good quality expresso coffee and seasoned the thing as suggested. Then loaded it up and waited. It bubbled and shook until I decided to have a look. The top section was full of coffee so out came the mug and I filled it from the pot. Now my family and mates always compain about how strong I like my coffee but I took a swig of this and, I do not exagerate, it was so strong I reckoned I'd be having hallucinations for the next month at least.

    All this blurb leads me to ask! Do you sup it straight from the pot? The pot isn't huge and just fills my trusted breakfast mug yet, on the destructions it does say it will make up to six cups of coffee in one go. Does this mean you drink it by the thimble full or do you dilute it in your mug??

  3. I've had a Stirling Alternator Regulator and was impressed with its performance. Batteries were always in a good state of charge. I was even more impressed with their customer service. Charles Stirling himself spent a long time talking me through the instalation and wiring needed.

  4. A discussion like this and the forum bans political discussion??? That's the root of most of this problem in the denial of adequate resources and funding for the Police. They are being squeezed in the same way all public services are! Could open up a whole new discussion.

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