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Posts posted by VetChugger

  1. Sadly, its a case of local authorities knowing what is best for us! So many markets have deteriorated to a mere shadow of what they once were. Trying to suggest nobody uses them anymore is a fallacy perpetuated by the big hypermarket thugs like Tesco.

    In Wakefield we have gone from what was one of the best in West Yorkshire to having no market place at all and a few odd stalls given the dubious priviledge of setting up in the pedestrian presinct!

  2. 3 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

    The brochures that the hire craft companies provide you may have noticed that most of the photographs taken of hire craft are with fenders up or removed entirely

    I suspect that particular snippet has more to do with air brushing than manual labour!


  3. Thanks very much one and all! I'm well impressed with the response and that some also likewise recall this olde worlde aroma. Sadly, in my neck of the woods, all the genuine hardware stores have long gone. We had some really good ones in both Wakefield and Leeds. Whilst I had "Glenmore" and, initially, "Crackers" I was regularly at the stores in Acle, Brundall, Loddon, Beccles and others I have forgotten. Must admit I never failed to get what I needed at the Acle store and, if they didn't have it, the man in the brown coat always said we'll have it a week on thursday!

    Thanks again you've given me ideas to work with! The aroma shall return!

    • Like 1
  4. In years gone by I fondly recall the smell of wax polish especially at my Grans. I was looking for some wax polish today and all I could find is proudly deemed to be odourless! I don't want odourless! Neither do I really feel persuaded by the aerosol varieties. I want to smell that old furniture polish again! Anyone know of any that isn't just souless wax please?


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  5. I share Marshy's caution on these issues even though I also agree with some of the issues raised in Mr Knights summary. What bothers me most is a single person being seen as some sort of crusader and feted as such in the way he appears to be on here. I much prefer to see issues as big and serious as this being dealt with or campaigned for by an identified grouping so as to not to set an individual up for the attention that will inevitably come from both the media and the originating body of the contended proposals and policies. I am aware that there are and have been efforts via the Broads Society for example that have not been particularly successful or well supported. The Broads Society though is an example of the vehicle I prefer to see co-ordinating a campaign or pressure group. Finally, at risk of incurring even more derision and criticism, I really don't like the "superstar" image being generated for one individual as it appears to be here!

  6. 3 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

    We could do with a boat jumble on the scale of the Norfolk Show Ground up here around our neck of the woods


    The nearest to "our neck of the woods" would have been Preston but even that has been cancelled now after appearing on the calender initially.

  7. I agree with Lulu! " Dont rush into buying. " On all the occasions I have bought a boat the looking has been the most enjoyable part to some degree. I almost regretted finally settling on one as I wanted to go and look at others. And, before anyone says "go and look at some then", its not quite the same when you are not actually considering buying what you see.

    However, am I the only one that is just a tad sad that pumpmedic has passed on this boat?? Although it had some limitations, there is a certain attraction to it. Having said all that, keep looking and the very best of luck in finding your dream boat!

    • Like 2
  8. Thanks very much for the advice and suggestions so far. I am just about persuaded by the revive the wood then use danish oil treatment. As it happens, I was a smidge off being persuaded down the oil route with "Glenmore" before I settled on the supposedly "safe" option of six coats of varnish and, to this day, regret not doing that!

    I'm yet to be finally persuaded on the brass work though. I really like shiney brass but I also appreciate the patina of years going by and all the handling etc. Is it possible to use a lacquer or clear sealer of some sort to help preserve the brass finish? I only ask this because, in the back of my ever shallowing mind I seem to recall reading something like this.

    Thanks again for the interest and advice.


    • Like 1
  9. I have acquired a, new to me, boat wheel that caught my eye. I need to decide by just how much I should try and restore/revive it!

    I keep hearing about folk banging on about keeping "the patina" but I'm tempted to rub it down and do a good varnish job and use

    whatever polish etc to brighten up the brass. First question is should I? The one that follows is how is best?? Here are a couple of

    images of said wheel.


    Vintage whee1l.jpg

    Vintage wheel.jpg

    • Thanks 1
  10. I've just had a peruse of all those photos and she certainly is an impressive craft if bought at the right price. The look of the window arrangement has a vague suggestion of that used in the Dutch steel boats like Stevens and Linssen. Oddly enough I found myself hummimg a certain song! " Oi! Where's me tiger head "?

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