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Posts posted by VetChugger

  1. Not only do they treat employees poorly but also, the next time you go to that ever so useful shop round the corner or in town, it will be boarded up and gone for good! Your high street will become wall to wall bars and nightclubs or else a deserted row of more boarded up shops. Yes, use Amazon for hard to get stuff or music/dvd stuff but use your locals as well.

    • Like 2
  2. Totally by accident I "stumbled" across an auction house whilst browsing. They were advertising sales of seized vehicles, ex company car/main dealer auction and also police seized assets and lost and found property! I had a bit of a browse and there were some wierd articles and vehicles on offer but also, according to pre sale estimates, some bargains to be had! Passed a few minutes!

  3. I had a Victor with a three gear column change and bench seats (very inconvenient for casual nookie!), cost me £12.00! One christmas day on the way to work (hospital) the bloody thing snapped inside the colum and the lever was stirring fresh air. Student nurse wages didn't run to a repair and it was replaced by a Mk1 Cortina for £24.00!

    • Haha 1
  4. First Broads holiday I ever had was out for two weeks on Alpha's wooden "Spitfire". A small yet very sturdy craft. We had made the target of the two weeks to visit every beer mug on the Hoseasons map. We managed it but, I think, it was on the  fifth or sixth night we were in the bar at Stokesby and my mate turned to me and said "the bar is going up and down"!  I was so relieved he said this as the bars had been going up and down for me for a couple of nights and I was convinced I was just wierd! It was shortly after a spectacularly rough crossing of Breydon water with waves breaking over the whole boat and the stern lifting so high that the prop was screaming away! They would have shut it nowadays. Did I enjoy it???  You bet I did, I loved every bit of it. We went through the whole of Alpha's fleet over the next three years!

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  5. 4 hours ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

    poles up to 15 mtrs, that`s well over 60ft

    I'm a keen pleasure angler and just love sitting there watching the water. Doesn't matter a bit if I catch nowt!  It always struck me, when seeing these things, why not go fish the other side????

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