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Posts posted by VetChugger

  1. Robin's post is most relevant and interesting in its proposals. I would heartily agree with them although I would exclude Abellio. Remove the need to pay dividends to shareholders. Its no accident that  Europe's succcessful and modern railways are all state owned. Its also interesting to note that the government successfully ran the East coast line for six years before Virgin and Stagecoach greedily grabbed it in 2015 and have had to hand it back because of the costs. So even Branson and Brian Souter couldn't manage it! Apologies for going off on a political bender but it is something I do feel a tad strongly about and is the best way to find money to repair ageing bridges.

    Just a footnote .........   please don't throw that old chestnut "Don't you remember British Railways of old???" Playing with trains has changed beyong any recognition.

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  2. Seems Horning Sailing Club have disabled their webcams which is disappointing. They usually run all year round although on the delayed reload. The only one still running is Herbert Woods Potter view. A shame for all us distant Broads viewers!


  3. My previous boat, "Glenmore", had a bowthruster with its own battery arrangement all very neatly done up in the bows. Also on its own charging circuit. Only downside, if used, was the decibel level of the thing! Was at Barton Turf one time and a crew mate used it to get out of a bit of trouble! There was a protest swim past by every duck, swan, coot, moorhen and a special delegation from the piscatorial residents!


  4. 2 hours ago, Paul said:

    but to fish the canals you have to pay, either the angling club controlling the fishery or to the Canals & Rivers Trust (British Waterways as was)

    Not true Paul, CRT do not charge to fish canals and, as far as I know, fishing rights are not given to any clubs or society on the towpath side. May be different on the non towpath side. Fees are likely payable for a pegged match though.

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