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Posts posted by VetChugger

  1. Great stuff Howard and the 39 years fits very well with our first forays onto the Broads. Not quite the first as that was blighted by Norwich Bitter and Watneys Red Barrel!

    What happened to the "Adan & Eve"? Or am I WAY out of date? Used to be a favourite first call wandering the back way round into Norwich.

    • Like 1
  2. Found an entirely nostalgic advert .....


    My Dad used to work for these!

    I found this amidst a huge list of vintage adverts being ofered on fleabay and have just spent a while delighting in some of the stuff I actually bought, used or even wished for!


    Have a browse! I'm sure you will find something that you once wanted or even bought!

  3. As you may guess, this "debate" is going on in various places. I'll ask the same question here as elsewhere! Has anyone actually had a card recharged yet?? It would make sense to me if you bought a card, initially you would have 80p or so credit in sparks, then, when the same card is recharged, you will get a full quids worth of sparks! I'm not saying this is legal or anything else but it would explain a so called "admin" charge for the cost of the card initially!

  4. Half my family originate from both Grimsby and Cleethorpes so I used to spend lots of weeks in my summer holidays there. Usually getting off the train at Old Clee. One Auntie had a chalet out on the Humber Fities which I loved going to then walking over to the minature railway for a trip.

    The boating lake and Wonderland were also favourite places! Cracking big dipper which was, of course, the old wooden rattling type. That also had a lovely railway running around the base. Would always go and have a look at the leaking boot! I always wanted to get out to the Humber Forts but never did.

    A couple of my uncles worked on the fish dock and we had lots of wonderful fish and chip teas. A wander around Freeman Street market was also a regular favourite!

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  5. I have posted this before!

    Our first tast of the Broads was two weeks on "Spitfire" from Alphacraft. I think "Spitfire" is now "Merlin", having said that, it may have been "Mustang"! Its a bit since! Well, despite trying to cross the fields just below Stakesby and plowing  head first at full chat into Loddon staithe (Lots of stuff was spilt and chucked about) We had a wonderful time and, this bit is gospel, we managed to visit every single beer glass on the Hoseasons holiday map!

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  6. On my desctop PC I have a soundblaster audigy card and a set of soundworks audigy 5.1 speakers. I have had this setup for a while with no problems. I like to record stuff to burn onto cg's etc. I use both HiQ recorder and Ashampoo recorders which profess to record "what you hear", ie. what goes through the soundcard. All of a sudden the recorders are failing to pick anything up or just a very faint rumble. The sound indicators barely shiver! I can still simply listen to stuff as before from any format with no problem, just cannot record anything anymore! I have checked all my settings for the soundcard, players, everything I can think of but no change! Any ideas??

    The second "problem" is not really a problem, just puzzling and frustrating. Bottom right on the monitor (taskbar) among the symbols is one that used to list all the available connections to the internet. Now it only shows me mine! This seemed to happen after the latest windows 10 update. So, two questions arise! Any idea where my "list" has gone? and, how do I switch off automatic windows 10 updates??


    cheers in anticipation!


  7. Slightly connected! The telephone bods have a new tactic but I suspect it won't last long! Today I got the usual "Sir, I am calling from BT, there is a fault with your .......and so on"!

    Only this time, they asked for a suitable time the following day for a technician to attend. I usually play along so I gave them a time. Then he goes back to normal saying he needs to check my connection to give the technician some ideas! I say" Well, he can do that when he comes!"

    Que muttering in the background then a few unsavoury expletives and they hang up!


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