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Posts posted by VetChugger

  1. I suspect folk may look at the "Boating Bingo" from the wrong perspective! I see it as a summary of things most of us have done in the past without actually saying it is seen as acceptable behaviour. Just a recognition of the symptoms of holidays when we were young! Its a rather clever way of saying we know what might happen and be aware of this. It sows the seeds of thoughts of consequences does it not?


    Have to say I would much prefer any crew member looking for hughie (or huey)  to do it over the side rather than inboard!

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  2. I'm surprised nobody has raised this on the "bright side" considering the huge kerfuffle it appears to have provoked across yonder!




    What I'm not surprised at is the "holier than though" response made by most but not all over there. Whilst I might agree that some points are a tad tongue in cheek, I would say it is the sort of info that would have tempted me into a holiday had I read it when I were nowt but a lad!


    I think certain reactions do nothing but illustrate just how "stuffy" some folks impressions and opinions of how Boating holidays on the Broads should be taken.


    A very slightly guarded "well done" to Richo's from me!


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  3. The boat looks like a Sheerline 950 and I think there may be one of these in a shared ownership scheme which could explain its presence here! Also they would be a popular buy if offloaded by any of the hirefleets so may be a privately owned vessel.


    I'd LOVE one of those!




  4. That's absolutely true. I've seen some excellent bands strutting their stuff there and have also enjoyed the sunday roasts and had long meaningful conversations and imbibing sessions with the local barfly come chef!. It would be a great shame to lose it.


    Does anyone know if it is a tenancy or managed house?

  5. Apart from the live band nights, this pub struggles to attract custom generally. I suspect this may be a factor that decides what sort of investment to make in any refurbishment.


    Does anyone know if the place is owned by one of the Pubco's or not? If its Enterprise Inns or Punch then I would worry about its survival as a pub!



  6. Jonzo, I suspect the Richardsons Bourne's are Bourne design but Richardsons build. Hmmm  how daft does that sound? Mine is a Bourne design but a Moores build so, on that note, I stand corrected!


    Looking at that link I'd say that's got the possibilities of being a really good buy Muzbaz!



  7. Just had to laugh reading Robin's post! I'm an avid reader of what he witters on about both here and on NBF. Like many others, he is an assett to whatever forum he contributes to.


    He's surpassed himself this time though! Never ever short of five words when one might have done usually. This time Robin, I truly dof my cap to you. That's a really well thought out and balanced view. Well done and thanks!



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