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Everything posted by 650xs

  1. just a simple mention, bit orf topic but whilst on walk to me ole beach must spare a thourgth for those who past an present have lost there lives on this strange coast we call home ...... this plaque was erected for the crew man on the tug which sank on a bleak ole nite whilst workin on the sea defence works which have saved our village the beach is great and looks the dogs danglees but it did come with a price .................... we thank yuo, yuo are not forgottern ................................. just remember the area here is flatt as a witches top half....!!!! so its so easy with a good blow and high water we can soon be rowing to work ,and for me that would,t be the first time .. this part of the uk is quite fragile don,t yer know ............... now ill put in a bit orf ole mud in the bank to stop the flood ................
  2. rite on way home now have rebuilt the Honda and she run smooth now yippee when I step out side thars a frost here brrrr................ first one this early so far .......... fingers numb and got a cold bum too .......... quick run road the yard make sure all good ......... drive hum with heater flatt out to the posh ole coast to see some sea in the morning might walk the muts or thay walk me in the morn to see how calm it all is and for a boring ole pic or two ......
  3. been a bust day today lots to do and people to see .... waitin for delivery of several boat to day via river to have works done and all arrived on time ish ,well flatt out narfolk style ...... became taxi driver for one or two today to collect thar ole four wheel thing from once thay came slipway full till I get on with it lift them out and chock umm high .... went to view a boot today for paint work and blast me she was a sorry ole sight the recent paintwork was so thin and was peeling and cracking all over ,the poor ole chap didn,t like what I said but there was no dressing it up ....... lots of my diyers in today getting busy on there boot and lots of advice to give too....... had a loverly chap come to see me with a large bottle of that ole red stuff from franncee,i.ll have that tonight with me ole swede and tatty turnip pie ... couple of no shows today ,a few viewing on ole boot for sale too sold two testerday so good thar ........ when I got in this mron it was like crufts dogs everywhere with owner chasing them or trying to gain full control of there willey beast .....!!!! backin shed to finish of some engine works head to rebuild and a bottom end to build on a small four stroke ohh that ole dam enfield leg is callin me, help me give me some seals and oil and I promise ill work nicely too......grrrrrr.... shame about the lite fading on these loverly still nov afternoons .... must get on, only typos and stuff while il gulp a coffe..........
  4. fishing in the wet and cold this week end pike men in low numbers .......... pike slow to take .........murky waters and lots or rain orf the ole land ,cloud little and sun bright first thing small fish in plentiful supply lots of activity with the local man "bruce " boosting his weekly total "if only I had the time "..... no otters no grebes and no goumarants ......... a few gull drift by and a boat or two ...........
  5. yippee its only taken mee a week and while ai wait for a phone call ill give one more try ................. the beach this morn nice and still sun just up just like me .....grrrrrr.... now wait while I,,l bor yer with the rest ..... rit e this is ludham bridge early while I work on a boot or two look like some one is still in bed ...."wakey wakey "..... come on hands orf .............on with socks !!!!!!
  6. rite one more try and this time I,ll wait .......
  7. ill try a pic again of the sea view......at home naa not happening again il give up soon.......
  8. ahh i see one of our boot s................ a flying broom.......... not a fly bridge broom....... poor ole girl ahh well she is safe now and tucked up with me .............. long way to go with this one .....look warse than she is too............ good and strong and the ole ford does run too now after a little fettlein............ she will need some plank work top and bottom,ill treat her to new transom too............ deks are great wheel housr roof is sad the roof is so sad it now has a upside down smile .........sagging yer know ..... too many parties on top and no support, bit like the wife ....!!! only four of these built specila order and for the posh folk too all bespoke and how yer like .... we have more ................. whaether window good today sea still and blue sky off to yard and moan at some customers .......or moan at me tooo i suspect ....... now no more rain please ........................ more boat arive today lift outs and antifoil, polish tops and general repairs too....... must get the narrow boat to shed so i can weld it up ............... come one, the broad isn,t just for summer yer know ....................its for Christmas too.... should be a nice trip down the ole river the the ant is a colourful autum spectacular this time of year with all the changes ,hyland cattle on the edge .no not that they have had enough and are a boat to give some one a peice of there mind "burgers for all" there grazing in the marhes ,king fishers running up and down the river like a couple of fast jets .otters lazing around diving and sneaking up rite to yuo .all the browns on the trees and some on the floor too...... if i get the pic thing doing a put some on .......................... orh ta wark now ........................some ones got to do it ................... ahh me edit box is back ................... remember .............."we tow, while others stow"..............john boats 24hrs ,well so the wife think .....!!!!!
  9. ere just read last two post did some one call me .........................!!!! miserable ,sour puss grumpy .....ahhh we have meet befor ..................... yuo can,t have every thing ............"welcome to norfolk "
  10. AHH WHAT YUO SEE IS A PIC SENT VIA MY EMAIL NOT YUORSITE DOWN LOAD BOX THAT WHERE THE PROP IS .................................. I CLICK THE BROWSE BOX PUT PIC IN THEN IT E TELL ME I,M TOO BIG .................GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....... NEDD HELP OR I,M GOING TO GET BIG BERTHA ON IT AND SHE NEVER AILS ME YET .................!!!!!! GOOOD OLE SLEDGE ...............FAITHFUL TOO THE END ...................... ANY IDEAS................??? AND ME EDIT BOX HAS GONE TO ....................................
  11. good ole yarco ............. blow them bridges all of them except mine keep the fly bridges out orf it ..... poor ole Yarmouth or bad ole Yarmouth she has come a long way sea front better docks better and the shops are good ,lots of old buildings too and a bit orf maritime history too..... well love or not ..........
  12. I have sent the pic thinghy ........... now it gone orf to the cyber space for ever ...!!!!
  13. now that alos is easier said than done too....... i.ll try but I,m such a dinosaur on this thing .......
  14. hello need help can,t seem to finish my boreing ols stories as lost me edit box now what with no pics can,tr send them either .I,m lost as I have to run round the ole yard and ans phone cant spell and typos etc all in one hit don,t yer know .... any ideas.........?????
  15. blimmey the ole sky blew out today just meet to chaps for a look round the ole boot yard ,,,,and then oot orf nowhare caum a huge greet ole jet doin mar than the aloocated 4 mph round here ... he was so loow I could see the bloke at the wheel with typical RAF tash blowing in the wind ................... only out once today to sort out dam empty water tank on a boat ..easy one ... no rain all day bliss ......... firday customers have arrived and with ther eold little doogis too so I got a wet leg or two now .........
  16. hello mr richo all good ere .......... my neighbour welcomes me too........ hello from over ere .............. now get on yer fleet stuff or build me a new one with sails.....!!!!
  17. ahh sellac pale or full bodied .I hope that you used some of that ole sanding sealer and the ole stuff to not that ole modern rubbish...... now once yer done all that and shxxxx up the suface etc get yer best French polishers rubber out, flick some oil on it and get on with it... or use my best squirrel or badger mop ..............??? naa don,t both get down to the ole ikea and get some thing........
  18. well thanks jill but she won,t play ball ,ive taken her outside now and will be dangerling the sledge hammer over the computs head ........................... the remarks say" i,m too big" ............now i know this, but when a bit or plastic and cilicon chips tell me that the limit ill show it ................................
  19. up and on it this morn .........rite on it ..............!!!! reality blood tired .worn out kneees,fat out of breathe,stubble on chin is too long and i,m going bald ............... well can,t have everyhting..............................!!!!! strip a honda find fault why she went and stopped "ceased solid" it was too start making more wedges to chock them ole boat up ,now ive risked excess the use of a saw and had all the electric tested to bs1012893.21 the ground was lvevelled with a laser level ,ive hoovered the area out side to make sure its clean ,of coarse ive pont on me steel boots ,saftey specs,helmut ,steel reinforced chain mail gloves all my pp in in order now i can start works.................blast its dark again ...............grrrrr......grrr rite move aload of wood as big as a moutian too to please mr and mrs safety and for my own use to level boats and help chock the next lot to come out ........ hope to get the ole nanni ive been workin on started today adna river trial or two.... we have the best sign riter in the next two week doing one of his which can only be desribed as art works on a transom of a large woodie name and flag sorry pennants etc etc it will be too his usual standard and great ...... some of yuo have seen the narrow boat we did last winter or so with her clean colours and superb coate or arms and roses on the cabin sides ................. boat builders a bit short this week and missing some staff but the faithfull do turn up busy with finish off two woodies one to launch at end of month and she look a little better to as when she came to us .........................a credit to mr "alan " and his skills the other will stay on land for winter and relaunch spring but she is a bit of a stunner too,lots of teak and holley in there.............new oak panels etc just put in a hipperson which is bieng done by owners and she is lookin ok too, she was rescued for a song and now begin too look the part done alll the rite way and painted well too off to far away to investigate a boat for complete repaint top and bottom got to list some boats for sale with my self and broker ,boat sale were moving at a steady pace till ast week now dead as a dead thing ...............just few silly lookers with comments thats too much and ummmmppp we have seen enough.what sort of boat is this ,does this go to sea.......??????? etcetc love them all tooo.................. great start to day nice sky and chilly temp that make them work faster ................ the geese are moving around as they do this time of year the dogs keep listening to them as they fly in their arrow formation across the early morning sky love to see it as my hoose is on the norolk coast we see all sorts lucky me boat yard at day, inland of coarse and humm to norfolk coast at nite must go fiishing on the ole beach soon too ............i look forward to catch a bit of weed ..!!!! more to come ....................................
  20. ummm i could tell yuo a story about theese suculant pies .................ummmmmm good choice ..............................
  21. we are luck as some of us are not so luck y its not eas at the mo ............. too man yards have gone and i have had the plesure to work with some and great blokes too.... but ill bust a gut to keep goinn as i love this ole place and it makes me feel sad and happy to keep goin............ its shame that the new blood don,t see it like i do i,m lucky to have meet some old school and learn from them at the time i was a little........................ummmmmm but now i see....................... take a picture and stand back pass comment now but later come back and see it again ,wait ,then pass a thourght ,open brain and engage mouth later ................. i stil do that and have to back track ......................... love to see the wildlife ,sit and wait a while ........................ or come and spend a day with me ...........!!!!!
  22. ohhh ofrgot as we are rough as guts bring yer wellies .............
  23. i ve tried and can,t get me pic at allto apper on here grrrrrrrrrrrrr................ but remebe ri,m preety usless at this tooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. naaaaa naaaa a good ole blow ................!!!! a nice v 8 about 350 hp thatll do it waffi united ...up the boat yards ...........................
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