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Posts posted by stumpy

  1. 48 minutes ago, LondonRascal said:

    "Oh, dear I am sorry but that really is beyond me and the men are not in the office until after lunch" - this was before 12:00pm London time.

    What you have to realise,Robin, is that in Norfolk and Suffolk it's 1955 - that's anno domini, not post meridian, especially when dealing with officialdom.



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  2. 6 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

    Very tiddly, Griff, I'm told that you have even had your two 'at anchor' day signals/shapes made out of polished stainless!!

    JM - is there not a song about this? Even if Griff's a tiler, not an engineer. Lol

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  3. 5 hours ago, Wildfuzz said:

    The local one was always used most, often a "white file" was requested - a pint of milk for the Inspector, and a "Foxtrot Charlie for six" - Fish and chips x 6.


    Nowadays it is a digitally encrypted trunk system which is controlled at county CCR`s (Contact and control room) they are clever little things that can text and call and be used as a mobile phone, you can contact any officer anywhere in the country if you have there details............ No strange coded messages anymore!!!!!!!!

    Our cars were often parked outside the 'Lima Papa place' (licensed premises) -didn't need to specify which one lol. We piggybacked on the old bill system and often heard "Church, radio procedure please"  _ Happy days!

  4. Griff, re: gift horses, 20-odd years ago a Cuban (I think) boat lost its deck-cargo off the Cork anchorage and a positive flotilla of fishing boats set out from Felixstowe Ferry to clear the shipping lanes - it helped that the flotsam was mainly 18" x 3" x 12 foot planks of red hardwood! There are still some very sturdy gear sheds standing down there! It was a b*gg*r to cut but I got a nice back doorstep for two pints of Tolly!

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  5. I was on the phone to Robert at Sutton Staithe this morning discussing the price difference between a complete new bog and a replacement macerator (£40!!) - he had a yarn with the guys moving the boat as they went past, apparently the bill for the move was in the region of 29 thousand!

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  6. A couple of years ago we were chugging down to Acle when one of Clive's finest hove into sight wearing a 3 yard White. After a quick tutorial to Kathy sitting in the stern we dipped our Red to them and sure enough a junior rate scuttled to their stern and returned the courtesy amid great hilarity and thumbs up all round. The senior service gets everywhere!

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  7. Just rescued a six foot fence panel c/w both posts (snapped at the bottom, rotten as a pear) from next door and spotted a 20 foot forked lilac that's splitting down the fork! Fairly happy that if/when it goes it shouldn't hit anything, I int a-going to stand out there waiting for it it. Highest gust half a mile from us was 55 mph about 4 p.m.

  8. I'm a member of a few fora - even Speakers Corner and a couple of the Facebook groups. The way I see it is Facebook is similar to meeting someone on the High Street " Hi mate all right?" "Yeah busy busy- you?" "Oh yeah - see you around". This forum is more a half dozen friends sitting around a pub table with pints of mild on top and dogs underneath putting the world to rights and gently taking the Mickey out of each other until long after closing. Vive la difference, I say!

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  9. Re: hire boat shore power leads, a couple of years ago we shared Horning Staithe with a big Woods boat. A very puzzled guy was standing beside it with a blue plug in hand connected to at most 15 feet of cable! Luckily we have a selection of leads,couplers and splitters so were able to sort him out - don't know what he did the rest of the week.


  10. 7 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    Funnily enough they probably would't mind at all once they got used to it.

    A few Bank Holidays ago we were watching the power boat racing on Oulton from near the starting pontoon when there was a minor holt (sorry) to proceedings until a big old otter had had a good look round and then bimbled off towards the Wherry - he wasn't at all worried by all the kerfuffle.

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  11. I put a solar vent into our fore hatch 5 years ago and it's still working well, it came with a dress ring which held the edges of the vinyl to a 3". length of drainpipe glued into the throat of the fan. It was a b*gg*r getting the length right! CT1 is the only glue/sealant I've found that goes off truly transparent.

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  12. Re:"Parting like the Red Sea", I once had a most entertaining trip back to Suffolk from a training course just outside Swindon with a colleague, both in shirt-sleeve order (white shirt,black tie and epaulettes) driving a hired white big Rover. We hit the M4 and folk started moving over and dropping down to 70. When the penny dropped we wondered what would happen if we put the dipped headlights on - it worked!! Naughty but oh so nice!

  13. Re. Herbal tinctures, in some country pubs round here  you can still add clove, shrub and others to your tot. The Lord Nelson (not that one, this is 'down the docks' in Ipswich) used to market half bottles of 'Deben Angel' which was Woods 100 based with clove cordial being the only recognisable ingredient (another maybe honey)- a very warming waxer in this weather!

  14. Following the ice/shotguns thread drift I once had to examine and clear for export a crate for an Arctic expedition. It contained a Beretta semi auto 12 bore with the long magazine and a number of cartridges - blank, No.7 and Brenneke single solid slug (!). The were for in case a polar bear fancied breakfast off you the order of load would be 2 x blank, 2 x No7 and if he didn't turn around the slug would be the last resort. The guy delivering it to the quayside said you then got two days off - one to recover and one for the paperwork!

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