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Posts posted by riyadhcrew

  1. I just got a new computer yesterday and I can't seem to get any of the cameras, or the web site that supports the cameras. Does anyone know of a general problem, or is it me? Thanks in advance.

  2. I just got home from spending 4 nights in hospital with more drips in me than an irrigation system. The reason why - was my own pig headedness and ignoring the advice of my wife. What happened was as follows:

    Last Saturday at 2.00am whilst in bed, I started shaking quite violently for around half an hour and I put it down to the flu. My wife wanted to take me to the hospital (which is only 2 mins away) but I said I'd be OK.

    Saturday - didn't feel well all day, but kept taking panadol flu tabs until bed time. During the night the shaking returned and once again, I put it down to the flu.

    Sunday - didn't feel well all day and went to bed at 5.00pm. Shaking started again and this time, my wife forced me to go to see a doctor. He said that the flu would not give me the temperature that I had and took some blood tests and I had a chest xray.

    After 1 hour, the results came back and the doctor called me to his office from the waiting area. I asked "when can I go home?" and he said "I'm admitting you for treatment".

    It transpires that what I thought to be flu - was infact PNEUMONIA.

    He also told me that the shaking was due to a high fever and at my age - was prime fuel for a stroke or heart attack or both.

    That frightened the sh1t out of me - especially as it was on my birthday.

    So peeps, don't self diagnose - go see a doctor - please.

    • Like 10
  3. Went on-line this morning to book Acle Bridge for dinner on the 2nd of April 2016 and they couldn't do 7.00pm for 3 pax. They offered 8.00pm and I accepted - but it's nice to see that the broads are busy and I hope it continues.

    • Like 4
  4. I booked Richardson's Commodore on the 2nd May 2015 for our holiday starting 2nd April 2016 - so booking made exactly 8 months ago and exactly 3 months to go. Easter falls the week before, so ROLL ON EASTER.

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  5. To all my friends on the Forum,

    Working out here in Riyadh is often tough

    Some people say "It can be rough"

    I find when I get really uptight

    I log on the forum and hey - it's alright



    PS. I'm going out to a party, but I can't overdo it because I'm working tomorrow.


    • Like 8
  6. Welcome to the forum Vaughan. It sounds like you live in an idilic place, but I agree that the broads is something special. I have cruised in the Med, Scotland, Holland and all around Indonesia but I still like my fix on the broads. The two girls in my avatar are my daughters who make up the Riyadh Crew.

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