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Posts posted by riyadhcrew

  1. 5 years ago, I took a wild kitten from the car park in my hotel and brought it home. It is now a beautiful cat and part of the family. Today, I found another one and brought it home - any advice on the best way to introduce them to each other would be appreciated?

    • Like 2
  2. My 2 teenage girls love radio 1 and radio 2 goes on when I get a chance. We don't have anything like that in Saudi, so I give them their wish. TV is also limited in Saudi, so they watch what they like when they get the chance. I have to admit that you don't miss it until it's not there.

    • Like 5
  3. Hi Alan,

    If you book directly with the likes of NBD or Richos, you either get a discount on your next hire, or can accumulate points to get a free hire. You don't if you book the same boat through Hoseasons. I suppose the yards have to pay a commission to the agents.

    • Like 2
  4. I've done the A68 run a few times (kids like the humps) and I agree that there is less traffic, but all it needs is a tractor or a caravan and it can take for ages. I now stick to the main roads and it will be the A1 or the M74 after I cross the bridge. Decision will be made in July, just before we go.

  5. I will be leaving Kirkcaldy in July to go to Wroxham. I am still trying to decide whether to do the Edinburgh city bypass and the A1, or the M8 and the M74/A66. Think I will make the decision much closer to the time.

  6. Hi Lori,

    Long time no hear from you and I hope this finds you well. I don't know if I could go on a houseboat - I think I would be trying to untie it every morning. lol. We had a great week and can't wait for July.

    Take care.

    • Like 6
  7. Hi Q,

    The last time I did it, I left Kirkcaldy at 3.00am and when I reached Stalham, I was absolutely beat. Was nodding my head on the boat before we reached Ludham Bridge. It took a couple of golden coldies to keep me awake until Acle. cheersbar

  8. We pick up our next boat on Friday the 22nd July from NBD in Wroxham and will be driving down from Fife, which is an 8 to 10 hour drive. I have decided that I don't want to be tired when we get to the boat, so I've just booked us into the Wayford Bridge Inn for the Thursday night. A couple of beers, a good dinner and a good night's sleep, followed by a good breakfast and a short drive into Wroxham in the morning and we will be ready for anything. 

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