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Posts posted by riyadhcrew

  1. Iain,

    My time at the Mayfair (5 years) saw me meet many stars. Not something I can post on here, but to be laughed at over a pint or three. An example is 25,000 pounds worth of damage to a suite by a well known band and a shrug of the shoulders with a credit card was all that was required.

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  2. Stuart,

    A little story about MJ and all true - for I was there and part of it.

    When he came to London, he stayed at The Mayfair Hotel and I was the Director of Engineering. He took the 2 bedroom Penthouse Suite and I was asked to remove the bed from the second room and put in a wooden floor. I naturally presumed that he wanted to hone his dancing skills, but I was wrong. His remote controlled toy cars would not work on the carpet.

    Anyways, his personal minder was called Bill Beaumont and was a retired Los Angeles policeman. He gave me 2 tickets to his Wembley concert, but unfortunately, I could not go on that night, so I gave the tickets away. I was asked to go the second night and ended up on the sound stage.

    Still, to this day, the most professional concert I have ever seen and MJ was amazing.

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  3. Hi Jeff,

    There are people on this forum who can access information much quicker and better than I can, but if they want to expand the yard, then I am sure there must be planning permission applied for and possibly something for locals to voice their opinions on. I personally have no idea what is happening, so let's wait and see.

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