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Posts posted by riyadhcrew

  1. Hi Q,

    No pints yet, but that will be remedied this evening. Tks for the update on the traffic. I am still trying to make up my mind which way to go - A1 or M74/A66. Will see on Wednesday, as travelling down on Thursday to overnight at the Wayford Bridge Inn.

    If anyone has any suggestions, please post them.

  2. Hello peeps from a very wet Kirkcaldy. Good flights and no problems in getting here and picking up my rental car. Was going to go somewhere today, but the rain is chucking it down, so just sitting indoors at the moment to see if there is any improvement in the weather.

    • Like 5
  3. Hi Grace,

    Family time is so important and I'm lucky that I have 2 teenage girls who absolutely love going on the boat for a week. They actually show me how to unwind and "go with the flow''. Bonding is what it is all about, because that lasts for your life time.

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  4. Isn't it likely that the drawings that were submitted for planning permission would have all the relevant measurements on them? I'm sure that they must be available for someone to see.

    Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

  5. Hi Mark,

    Very good question and I'm sure that in some circumstances, it would apply to both private and hire boaters. I have no doubt that someone here on the forum will come up with the correct replies to your questions.

  6. Hello All,

    Wife went to the airport early this morning for her flights to Bali and the girls and I will be off to the airport tonight for our flights to Edinburgh. Packing is almost finished and then we wait for the taxi at 9.30pm.

    If all goes well, it is four and a half hours to Istanbul - a short wait in the airport - then another four hours to Edinburgh. Six days at home to visit family and friends and then an 8 hour drive down to Norfolk for a week on Fair Chancellor and to see everyone attending the Summer Meet at Oulton Broad.

    Excitement is rising. BRING IT ON!!!

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