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Posts posted by riyadhcrew

  1. Enjoy Mickey and I hope it is all you want it to be. I am one of those people who book a year in advance and it is because I want a particular boat. If I wait, someone else will get it and my dates are tied to School holidays.

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  2. Thanks to all for your kind words. I was very close to my mother and she will be sorely missed. Odd thing is that my sister went to organise the funeral today (because I am a few thousand miles away) and the earliest she could get it was on the 27th May. Must be busy at the Crem in Kirkcaldy. I will be flying into Edinburgh on the 26th and out again on the 29th.

  3. I've never had a refund on fuel. Always had to pay extra. I personally don't see the point in hiring a boat and not cruising as much as possible. Easy to see that we love cruising.

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  4. I have loved boats and the water from a very early age. From the little hire boats on the ''park pond'' to the little fishing boats in the local harbour. I was 19 years old when 4 of us decided to have a go on the broads. Glistening Stream was the boat and I have never looked back since then. I fell in love with the broads and still love it as much to this day. LONG MAY IT CONTINUE.

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