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Posts posted by riyadhcrew

  1. :welcome: to the forum Steve. We travel 19 or 20 hours to get to the boat yard and we think it is worth it, so I am sure you will fall in love with the Broads. As all have said, take it easy and enjoy, because you WILL be back to do it again and again and again........

    • Like 1
  2. When I lived in Jakarta (Indonesia), that was the favourite thing to get nicked of your car at traffic lights. The teenagers could get a mirror off in a couple of seconds and if you went to the spares market the next day, you could probably buy it back again.

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  3. Morning Grace,

    Hope you feel better. We are hiring Commodore in 3 weeks at a price which is half of what we are paying for Chancellor in July. Both new boats, but the high season prices are crazy. I suppose it's what they can get and that's what you pay.

    • Like 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, Soundings said:

    We have reduced from two cars to one and use things like park and ride and trains as much as we realistically can. It is unfortunate that the government lost the plot/battle re getting people onto public transport, which imo is mainly due to the fact that it is often still cheaper by car, or cheap enough to render the hassle of public transport a non starter.

    Next month, when we fly into Gatwick, I will be renting a car for a week and only use it to get to Stalham and then back to Gatwick. It will sit parked in Richos for the rest of the time and it is about the same price as getting trains and taxis for the 3 of us. Plus the fact that we have a car to go to the supermarket on the way there, so no real contest for public transport.

    • Like 2
  5. Vaughan,

    Whilst I know where you're coming from (and I agree with you), I think that what used to be 'Luxuries" is now what is expected as basics. I started Norfolk Broads boating in 1971 and accepted whatever was there. Nowadays, a microwave is the norm, pump toilets are a no-no and the first thing I get asked when suggesting a possible boat is "has it got wi-fi". Times are a changing and if the hire companies want to stay in business, they have to go with the times.

    • Like 6
  6. 9 minutes ago, littlesprite said:

    Children are no longer sent up chimney's, women have the vote, the world moves forwards, if people want the luxuries that they have come to expect from life, boat yards have to comply or die.

    "Long live the revolution. "  :Stinky

    I used to hire the cheapies, because that was all I could afford and I always enjoyed it. Now that I can spend a bit more on a boat, I just enjoy it all the more. There is nothing wrong with a little luxury and the market is dictating that.

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  7. We come because we love the Broads, but we need our comforts. We don't want to be freezing cold, or not to be able to wash when we want (within reason) and we pay good money to do so. If they change the rules - then we might not come again. I could manage, but I don't think that my wife and kids could and for the money we pay (low sea season - (+ 1,000 and high season - + 2,000 pounds) - Do you blame me?????

    • Like 6
  8. Hi Q,

    The message was on my phone within an hour and it was paid at the ATM the next day. Nowadays, you can't get a new visa, or get an exit visa, if you have any outstanding fines.

    Switched on I would say.

  9. Hi Q,

    From the turn off to Qatar until the border of the UAE - there is nothing. Watched on the way there and new it was clear on the way back. I did however get caught at 140 coming out of Damamn on the way back from Bahrain. 300 Riyals - thankyou.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Bound2Please said:

    Have to disagree with you there Darlin, SPEED DONT KILL but some idiots that speed in the wrong places/times quite probably do!

    Charlie xx xx:kiss:hardhat:

    I'm with you on this one Charlie. You drive "as fast as the area will allow - by using common sense". I recently drove from Riyadh to Dubai and a good part of the road is 3 lane through absolutely nothing but desert. My cruise was set at 160kph and there were people passing me at a fair rate. Saying that, when you drop to a 2 lane road, or in a town, or near a school, the Saudis are very strict with the speed limits.

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  11. The carpet fitter is right (I just laid 600 m2 with arrows). If you put the arrows at right angles to each other, the finish will be like a game board. If you point them all the same way, they will look like a plain carpet (which IMHO is better for a small area).

  12. Having lived in warmer climates non-stop for the last 20 years, I tend to feel the cold more than most. Whilst I will sit outside or on the flybridge with a load of clothes on, I like to get comfortable when inside, so heating is normally required at night before bed and in the morning.

    We are fortunate that the boats we have hired recently have not needed the engine running for the heating, but if it did, I would consider running it, at least for a little while.

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