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Posts posted by riyadhcrew

  1. Iain,


    They would never hurt the wallet carrier.  :clap  :clap




    I am very proud of them both. They are the ones that keep me young.  :kiss  :kiss


    And this one could not be replaced.  :grin:




    • Like 1
  2. I was told by my 2 daughters (avatar picture) that our Forum name is Riyadhcrew - so why do I have my bike as our picture??? I was told in no uncertain terms and under threat of being keel hauled that the picture must be changed to reflect the name. Done!!!!


    I hope this post is OK.

    • Like 4
  3. I was going to write a long post, but Robin has just about said it all above. I, for one, used to hire what ever I could afford and in fact, went for 10 years not being able to afford anything. Now I'm in a job where I am paid quite well and I want to enjoy the results of my hard work. If that means going on a nice large new boat for a week, then so be it. It still relieves all the stresses, but in a much more comfortable way.

    • Like 2
  4. Went through and back (or I'd still be there) on a Richo's boat last month. The cost was 12 quid in total for both ways and you pay at the boatyard when you give the boat back. Have a good one.

    • Like 1
  5. I'm just sitting here in Riyadh reflecting on my love of Broads boats and it all started in 1971 or 1972 when I hired Glistening Stream from Southgates in Horning. Since then, I think I've hired from most yards in the northern broads and quite a few in the south (not many left now). When I could afford it, I would hire a nice one and when money was tight, I would drive to the boatyards and see what was available on "last minute offers", so I think I've cruised on the 'best' and the 'not so good'. I've always accepted what I hired and enjoyed every minute of every boat, because the Broads is such a special place. In April this year, I hired Fair Monarch for myself, my wife and 2 daughters. It was probably one of the best boats I had hired. Last month, I hired Carousel from Richos and she is in a different league for 4 people. I have her again next March and I think I can say that it would be difficult now to hire anything of a lesser standard. Good move - or bad move - I honestly don't know.

  6. Welcome Hazel,


    I was cruising last month and like you, my next chance is in March. I find that reading the forum helps a lot in some ways, but makes me jealous (Ha! Ha!) in other ways. Roll on March is all I can say.  :grin:

  7. Hi Steve,


    As proved by Robin (London Rascal), a displacement hull is much easier to handle at Broads speeds and does not get blown around as much as a planing hull. As for fuel, I have read many posts where people have to carry petrol to their boats in jerry cans and that some petrol stations limit the "take away" amount of petrol to 10 litres.

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