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Posts posted by riyadhcrew

  1. Every boat yard I have ever hired from has given advice on WHEN and HOW to cross Breydon Water. I personally have crossed both ways everytime I have ever been on the Broads. I was down in August and had to leave Acle before 5.00am to get the tide right and I am next down in March 2015 when I will have to leave Acle at 6.00am to get the tide right. I may be one of the fortunate hirers that have never had any "life threatening" incidents, but I have had fog (not so dense) and a few big waves. If you look at the information that is given on the boat you hire ( not on  forums and internet ), you will minimise any chance of problems. For what it is worth, my 12 year old daughter (with me behind her) took Carousel all the way from the old Yarmouth yacht station all the way across Breydon to the Waveney without any concerns what so ever. As previously stated - COMMON SENSE.

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  2. Well I have been a bit slow to this thread and the new members - so hello all :)


    It matters not what a forum is about, but it is nothing without its members – this forum has a far more open feel about things, a friendly place somewhere views can be discussed and shared freely.


    I’ll be posting more here keeping you at times entertained, and at others shouting at the monitor for the errors I make – I’ll also be supporting it where I am able and spreading the word.


    I want to keep shouting at you Robin, so please keep posting, as you are part of what keeps me going to my next holiday on the Broads.

  3. Hi Martin,


    Second time writing this reply, as I lost internet signal when trying to post. I will try to find wine yeast (no shops here that sell it). The condom works OK if you put it on squint, as it falls over to form a seal when the bubbling is over. Temperature is my main problem (9 months of the year), as the bubbling works too fast. Thanks for your reply.

  4. Martin,


    I use 16ltrs of grape juice, 1 ltr of apple juice, 600 grams of sugar and about a table spoon of baker's yeast. Let it bubble for 3 weeks and hope for the best. I make it in one of those upside down water containers with a condom on the top (with requisite number of pin holes in it).

  5. If you love the Broads, the travelling doesn't matter (within reason). My last trip in August was via family, so doesn't count. My next trip in March will go something like this:


    Thursday 19th March 10.00pm - 45 mins by car to the airport in Riyadh.

    Friday 20th March 01.00am - Flight from Riyadh to Istanbul

    Friday 20th March 07.00am - Flight from Istanbul to Gatwick

    Friday 20th March 11.00am -  Drive from Gatwick to Stalham (via Tescos)

    Friday 20th March 3.00pm - CRUISING (I hope)

    Worth every minute of the time.  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

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