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Posts posted by JennyMorgan

  1. The first problem, if they want to reopen asap, will be in recruiting a licensee. Now that there is a change of ownership I wonder if the legendary Colin will be tempted to come out of retirement, if he hasn't already.

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  2. There used to be a network of yard workboats across the system, don't know if that still exists but of course there are less yards about, especially down South. Personally, during the winter, I carry both a mobile phone and a VHS handset. Hopefully the BA's River Control will still be listening. One thing worth noting is that there are not that many places along the bank that aren't a walkable distance from a road. Re VHS, not usually used by hirers but down South the railway bridge keepers maintain a listening watch as do the harbour authorities at Gt Yarmouth and Lowestoft.

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  3. 17 minutes ago, Cheesey69 said:

    I like the idea of pontoons in the middle of nowhere 

    There are pontoons at the Old Tea Gardens as you approach Oulton Broad. That there are very few pontoons in open water is because they would impinge on navigable waters.

  4. 50 minutes ago, vanessan said:

    There is a fb post stating the Locks has been purchased pre-auction with a Community bid

    Mixed feelings on that one, I'd rather hoped that an acceptable, private buyer would have come along.

    • Like 2
  5. A boat, during the winter, can be exceedingly cosy and sociable. Turn down the wick on the bulkhead mounted oil lamp, warm your hands on a mug of mulled wine or old ale, get the dominos out, relish the company of a good friend, savour the flicker of candle light on the varnish work, relax to the sound of chattering water on the lands of the planks, the aroma of a good pipe, there are times when life has little more to offer. Not so sure about the glare of LEDS on hygienic white gel-coat though! 

    • Like 4
  6. 18 hours ago, 750XL said:

    Whilst we did enjoy the Southern Broads, we didn't feel like there was a whole lot there and it's a fair old cruise in between destinations with not much to see except wide open rivers and high reed beds.

    For many of us that is the attraction  of the place. Mustn't forget the excellent pubs. Surely a boating holiday is about a 'fair old cruise in between destinations'?  Granted that there are a lot of reeds, for that reason it pays not to hire a 'bath-tub' type of boat!

    • Like 4
  7. 3 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    Sorry to disagree Peter, but in this case, that is exactly just what it relates to.

    We shall have to agree to disagree then, in the nicest possible way of course!

    Beyond that I agree with your second point.

    Effectively two wrongs don't make a right.

  8. 6 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    I see that the Tractor Boys are a bit quiet this morning 

    Ipswich Town have become an embarrassment to the good people of Suffolk. Thank goodness I grew up as a Norwich City supporter!  Beating Ipswich should be taken for granted, not celebrated. Had Donny been beaten then they might just as well have turned off all the lights, gone home and hung up their boots. No longer any glory in beating Ipswich. 

  9. An interesting comment within the agenda papers:

    "It is important to be aware that, in following up Notices of Contravention for failure to pay a toll, our dedicated tolls team has been subject to more abusive phone calls than normal, from private boat owners angry about having to pay this year’s charge following the period of Government imposed lockdown. Any toll increase next year is likely to exacerbate the situation."

    At long last there is official recognition of the declining relationship between the Authority and us punters. Whilst I don't and won't condone abuse in any form to the tolls office staff, or the Rangers for that matter, I do applaud the long overdue acknowledgement that there is anger along the rhond. Make no mistake, Dr Packman, that anger doesn't just relate to the toll nor the Covid lockdown. 

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