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Posts posted by JennyMorgan

  1. 2 minutes ago, SteveO said:

    We had one. I won't go in to what they were doing but, suffice it to say, we had words face to face. It turned out that they had no idea that their behaviour was causing a problem.

    I wish it were that easy! Talking had worked in the past then, for whatever reason, the mutual understanding/co-operation all turned sour. In some cases friendships are clearly not for ever.

  2. 3 minutes ago, RS2021 said:

    Hoseasons appear to show no availability for either Faircraft Loynes or Barnes Brinkcraft next year. Have they both left the agency?

    It wouldn't surprise me, Hoseasons does appear to have forgotten its roots and I suspect that both yards are big enough to fend for themselves, even if they do link up with other yards.

    • Like 2
  3. 40 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

    I could  go to great lengths regarding our GP surgery. Which is five minute walk from the house. But will leave it there.

    I rather suspect that you and I are not alone in our thoughts on this one. I just hope that my wife has arrived at the right diagnosis & conclusion after what has been a stressful journey. I do have faith in the latest diagnosis if only because of the reactions of the team that most recently saw her. 

    • Like 2
  4. 9 minutes ago, Poppy said:

    Meanwhile, my Ma in Law (97) has regular hospital visits to monitor her Glaucoma. She has just heard that her next will be by a 'phone call.   Please advise (anyone) how the pressure in the eyeball can be measured over the phone !

    I'm in the process of recording the lengthening litany of errors that have developed regarding my wife's condition, including Glaucoma, as a result of phone consultations and the very obvious conclusion that some doctors don't read a patients notes. My number three is a consulting pharmacist and I have pointed this out to her, she was horrified but it is an obvious conclusion. 

  5. 11 hours ago, marshman said:

    I am afraid that winterising my boat is essential - if they would like the bill for the damage by not doing it then I would be happy to send it to them.

    Fortunately its a 15 min journey so worth the risk. Hidden away on the boat not sure too many will spot me!!!!!!

    I have never before thought of you as an anarchist! 


    11 hours ago, marshman said:

    Hidden away on the boat not sure too many will spot me!!!!!!

    Best park your car around the corner!

  6. Common sense & discretion would seen to me to be the answer. We are allowed to go fishing and fishing on the Broads is so often from a boat. It would be wrong to abuse that privilege but it would be understandable that an angler would wish to fish their local broad for example. Recreation covers a multitude of sins, interpret it as you will. I am not convinced that a journey from Sheffield to Stalham in order to go fishing, for example, would be within the spirit of the guidelines! 

    • Like 3
  7. On 28/10/2020 at 08:44, welshwombat96 said:

    In the early 70s, my family had a holiday aboard young jim and as a kid in love with the navy i had a blast. Can anyone tell me the fate of young jim please, as shortly after the holiday I moved to Australia and have not been able to visit the broads again yet!

    Regards Antony from Australia

    Young Jim.

    Oulton Broad, Young Jim.jpg

  8. 17 minutes ago, Ray said:

    Yes! Thank you Poppy 🍺🍺 The boat is between here and Tesco (there are several CoOps in between but no one said shopping has to be the nearest shop!)

    Your dog will only eat Tesco own label dog food, sorted!

    Does the Co-op sell petrol?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, HEM said:

    Wow - sounds as if things have gone really bad in the UK!

    Strangely enough I have made more friends and met more new acquaintances over the last few months than i have for a long time. Covid 19 hasn't been all bad but perhaps it hasn't brought everyone closer.

  10. 29 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    A threat of physical assault is very much a police matter , if you log the threat with the police it becomes a matter of record and any subsequent threats should also be logged in case of any legal action in the future .

    That has happened and has been reported and logged. I am not easily rattled but I was on this occasion.

    Yes, Vaughan, there is a story, a long one,  but it's not for here, sorry! 

    Grendall, wise words, indeed, I could become the neighbour from hell but that is not my wish. It's a long story but there we go. It could and should have been easy to sort but that has not happened. Like you I am generally a pretty easy going sort of fellow but there is a limit. It's not in my nature to throw the first punch so to speak.

    Sam, I could indeed move but it's my little piece of heaven on earth! It boarders the Broads . . . . . . . . . . 

    I had hoped for an easy answer but despite Googling etc I have yet to find it, I had rather hoped that one of you had some practical experience regarding this altogether unfortunate topic. Anyway, thanks for the responses. 

    • Sad 1
  11. Do any of you good folk have any experience of dealing with the problem of a neighbour from hell?

    I can't be the only one! Other than threats of physical assault it doesn't appear to be a police matter, understandable, but has anyone on the forum had success in dealing with the problem via other agencies? 

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