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Posts posted by JennyMorgan

  1. 35 minutes ago, Springsong said:

    Fortunately do not have to attend the Norfolk & Norwich hospital very often but I always try to arrive at least I hour early, luckily I had brought the dept. telephone number with me as I waited an hour and a quarter to get parked . Luckily I had brought the dept. telephone number with me. so phoned them .

    You can 'park & ride' to the N&N, if you are mobile that is! 

  2. 4 minutes ago, psychicsurveyor said:

    MM, it would be better if the information was consistent North and South, If the guidance changes to bring The Lakes in line with BA and the EA, I am sure some will still kick against it.

    No doubt it will all be sorted out in the next 27 dayd :default_biggrin:

    A real national park says 'come boating'.

    A sham national park says 'don't come boating'.

    Someone has boobed, but who?

    • Like 3
  3. 21 minutes ago, psychicsurveyor said:

    How many people actually winterise boats before December any other year.

    Quite a few that I know! Their season ends, like the BA's yacht stations, at the end of October. Their boats are either slipped and into storage, or winterised, during November before the first heavy frosts come. This is especially so where varnish work is concerned.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, marshman said:

    Well well well - another classic case of the BA seemingly getting the total wrong end of the stick!!!!!

    The above, probably, also their usual alacrity in grabbing any opportunity to stop boating.

    It strikes me that once again the BA is exceeding its remit, as well as jumping the gun.

    • Like 1
  5. In a nutshell visitors to the Broads may be coming here and understandably expecting that National Park rules and Covid guidelines will apply. Should the uninformed visitor, unlikely I know, end up in court, then the defence might be that the Broads claims to be what it isn't. Seemingly ridiculous but not an impossible scenario. As has been suggested elsewhere, perhaps now would be a good time for DEFRA to come off the fence, provided that they come down on the 'right' side, my side!

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  6. I too saw the same F/B posting as Griff. Another poster there raised another issue, namely as to where is the boundary of the mythical Broads national park? If we take the BNP road signs as an indication then the afore mentioned NP legislation could cover a great deal of land outside the generally accepted Broads area. Will this come back and bite JP on the bum? I doubt it but that's not to say that I wouldn't welcome it!

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