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Posts posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Joking aside, Charlie, there was a freezing fog across the Broads last night. Granted that BA is in a comfy shed and has strategically placed heaters but will that be enough? As I came off the marsh yesterday I could feel my skin tightening with the frost. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Jbx5 said:

    You don’t want to be in there anyway as I’m lead to believe there is a Yorkshire man that thinks he is a comedian frequenting the place 😂


    His taste in loud music is worse than his jokes! 

    • Haha 1
  3. Where next, Hickling Broad? Much of what is under water within Broadland is owned by someone  rather than by the Crown Estates. A frightening judgement in my opinion, I foresee a plethora of 'no fishing' notices across Broadland. 

    Both angling and navigating on the tidal waters of Broadland have long been considered sacrosanct, if one is under threat then so is the other. 

    • Like 4
  4. 1 hour ago, Vaughan said:

    I would contend though, that the wildlife we enjoy on the Broads is there, and thrives there, because of the way it is managed.

    So very true. As it is there is so much of the Broads that is boat free, see here:


    In my view, the Broads continually evolves and our furry friends have an established place and indeed are part and parcel of the Broads experience. Without mentioning what the Broads isn't I will repeat what the Broads is, it is the Broads. 

  5. On 22/11/2020 at 13:12, MauriceMynah said:

    Being fair to the man, he charged £70.00 per hour, but it took him six and a quarter hours, but then the VAT was added.

    As the saying goes, you never see a plumber on a bike, indeed one who lives near to me drives around in a gutsy Porsche Boxer! 

  6. This topic opened as one mentioning the Authority. I would like to think that the BA issued the advice that they allegedly did with all the best intentions in the world and in regard to us, their customers rather than our fluffy friends. However, I do have my nagging doubts, all a matter of trust. The moorings and marinas that were, or were not 'advised', to lock their gates, are they still locked?

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Cheesey69 said:

    I think the BA over reacted . . . . . . . . . 

    I also think that they assumed responsibilities that were not theirs to to assume. The duties of the Authority are clearly defined in law. Granted that we are living though exceptional times but I do think that in this case the BA overstepped the mark, certainly in regard to the second lock-down. Mind you, in fairness, they did seek clarification on behalf of us boaters but I don't see it as being for the BA to interpret those guidelines and certainly not for them to uphold that interpretation, at least not without being instructed to do so by HMG. As for refunding tolls, only if HMG make up the resultant shortfall.

    • Like 1
  8. 51 minutes ago, marshman said:

    Vic Bell

    I remember him well. He was a crew member on a boat belonging to a mutual friend when we went from Lowestoft to Holland, mid sixties or so, to visit Lowestoft's twin town over there. We travelled through the canals to Amsterdam, arriving after sunset. Our Dutch hosts had arranged for locks and bridges to be ready for us. Not sure how or why but we went into a lock in the world famous Kanaal Strasse. We were all a tad tanked up but non more so than Vic. As the water level went up Vic spied a fanciful young lady sat in a shop window, as is the Dutch custom. As our deck came level with the top of the lock wall Vic calmly stepped onto land and marched purposely towards the shop window of his choice. As I have said, Vic was by now well lubricated and literally walked straight through the glass door, without opening it! Presumably back in the sixties the Dutch didn't use toughened, laminated glass in their doors! Not a mark or cut on him, he calmly drew the curtains and . . . . . . . . . . . 

    Another time we went to a Hoseasons end of season bash where Tropical Linda was the attraction. Vic arranged for Linda to spin the fans on her boobs right in my face, me being young and clearly much in need of education! As Linda leaned forward I leant backwards which clearly she hadn't expected and she fell on our laps, that being of Vic, Jack Fowler and myself. Vic took full advantage, Linda called me an effing idiot for moving, she'd meant to lean on my shoulders, as for Vic, she didn't mince her words! I'm not sure if the combined, rousing cheer was for Vic or for Linda.

    Jack and Vic were good friends and we fitted out several Aqua Belles for him, one of which we took down to Guernsey.

    • Haha 1
  9. What a lot of people don't realise, and some that do but choose to forget, is that the Broads is one large, one time industrial landscape. It was created for commerce, it is a large part of the Broad's heritage. Wherries, steam pumps, thatch, farming, peat, staithes, holidays, canals, locks, transport, fishing, fowling, brewing plus one or two that I have forgotten! 

    • Like 3
  10. Re radio control, might be possible, maybe a simple left and right system. Perhaps a set up out of a basic, toy car, You might need to do a spot of routing but I suspect that there is plenty of beef under the deck. Be aware though, she probably won't then be as collectable, so to speak. My Star days date back to the 1950's, give or take, they had less pretty hulls back then! You done good winning that auction, I'm in suitable envy.  

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, ChrisB said:

    I think their production was very much more a cottage, one man and his dog affair because they don't come up for sale that much and normally make a lot more money than Star.

    Always thought that Bowman were better sailing boats and yes, they do fetch good and often much better money, just a case of finding the right customer. Everyone and their dog knows about Star. The very sociable hours, as a kid,  spent beside various model yacht ponds have provided good and lasting memories. 

    • Like 1
  12. Pond Yachts, especially Star and  to a lesser degree, Bowman, fetch very healthy prices right now, says someone who has bought and renovated one or too!  Nostalgia is a wonderous thing, sometimes profitable too. 

    Trouble is that now other 'old boys' want to buy to renovate and the gap between knackered and pristine has closed, regrettably for me.

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