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Posts posted by JennyMorgan

  1. 3 hours ago, FairTmiddlin said:

    Problem is there has been a lot of bad history between the two of them.

    I believe it came to blows over PM's time at the Mirror newspaper.

    But it seems they are friends now. Hence PM being on WWTBAM.

    Apparently this is the story:


    Personally I'm no fan of either of them, nevertheless may the best man win!

  2. Sadly, our dialect is continuously under attack, whether from 'forriners' up from Lunnon' or even the radio & TV.  It is interesting to read of what we once had, and in some communities still have, but we are fast losing it, regretfully.

  3. We have long endured floods and gales, nothing will change there, the Broads will bounce back from this latest inundation just as it always does!  

    Just how bookings that are usually made over the Christmas holiday period hold up, now, that is a very real concern. Those deposits can come in very handy at this time of the year.

  4. 4 hours ago, SwanR said:

    This is old news and we're past Christmas.

    Agreed but it is also currant and New Years Eve is ahead, hardly time to brush it under the carpet.

    I have also noticed people on other groups seeking temporary accommodation for the New Year Weekend. I questioned one poster who then suggested that he was coming from one tier four area and going to another and then asked what was the harm in that? 

  5. 2 hours ago, Lulu said:

    Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Christmas Fishing - was an absolute delight. Im sure it must still be on iplayer 

    Agreed, I thoroughly that.

    On the other hand the numerous ladies in my family seem drawn to this channel! 


    Actually even I find it more entertaining than the World at War etc etc. 

    MM is entirely right regarding Christmas TV but obviously he hasn't found the joy of the shopping channels!!

  6. 14 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

    Scampi in a basket, or skate off a slate. From planks of wood to miniature deep fry baskets. It would seem there is no end to the ingenious ways the catering industry will try to avoid the use of "plates".

    Can anybody tell me why this is?  

    Rightly or wrongly I've always regarded the use of non standard tableware as pretentious nonsense, in line with boutique hotels and restaurants in particular. Wouldn't mind so much if the waiter gave me a choice, "warped, weathered plank, reclaimed roof tile or civilised dinner plate, sir?

    • Like 2
  7. 4 hours ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

    Does anybody still order Prawn Cocktail when eating out?

    Along with scampi  & chips or chicken & chips, served in a basket and washed down with a pint of Double Diamond or Red Barrel!

    Joking aside I had a prawn cocktail on Sunday and very good it was too. first one for a very long time

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

    Very true Paul.Think the idiots  that breck  the rules  should  visit, ICUs to see the affect  this virus has on people. 

    They also need to consider the effect on NHS staff, many whom are working seven days on the trot, working through their holidays and days off and working extended shifts, covering for staff who have caught Covid 19 or are in isolation. As one NHS person told me, working until it hurts. 

    • Like 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

    Failing to understand why drivers aren`t tested for Covid then allowed into France if clear. Also failing to understand why France say the ports are shut for 48hr, where does the 48hr come into things?

    The Hundred Year War was never over! 

    • Like 1
  10. If play lists are anything to go by then I know that at least one of you has an appalling taste in music but then I also know that several of you enjoy traditional folk music, which, in my self opinionated judgement, is not appalling!

    One CD out there, used to be and maybe is still available from the Norfolk Wherry Trust, is called 'Brighton's Best', sensibly all wherry related and is also available from this link:


    Apart from one dismal dirge it's all good stuff! Best enjoyed with several pints of Adnam's Broadside or Woodforde's Nelson with maybe a tot or two of Woods Rum to follow.

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