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Posts posted by JennyMorgan

  1. 1 hour ago, PaulN said:


    If your Genie granted you 3 wishes, could you get rid of this virus please, so we can get back on our boats :default_icon_bowdown:

    So long as I could choose which boat and owner combination to protect!! Wooden sailing boat owners would of course take priority, followed closely by those of classic Broads wooden motor cruisers. Perhaps, after a month or two, I would include the general riff-raff. Of course I jest, in reality I would . . . . . . . . 

  2. 28 minutes ago, Wussername said:

    My grandfather told me that people skated from Beccles to Oulton Broad.

    Or was that one of his fisherman tales?


    They certainly did.  Apparently it was generally a bit hairy at Aldeby for some reason and so skaters had to watch where they were going at that point. As kids we rode our bikes as far as Burgh St Peter but we never ventured further than that.

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  3. There were several either brave or foolhardy individuals who drove their cars on Oulton Broad in the '63 big freeze. Back in time that was a brand new car! Note the toboggan behind the car, being towed at some speed was great fun!

    Oulton Broad winter 1963-A.jpg

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  4. 1 hour ago, grendel said:

    how do we know that eels are disappearing?

    Because 'experts' say they are!

    Apart from that I rarely catch one now, not like the good old days when I caught more eels than anything else.

    • Like 1
  5. 20 minutes ago, Meantime said:

    The farce now is that you can walk 10 mins along a river bank and sit down and fish, yet you shouldn't walk 10 mins along the river bank and sit down and read a newspaper or book, or eat a picnic alone or with your household.

    Are you sure? 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Meantime said:

    I can see there being a lot of upset golfers who could reasonably argue that walking around 18 holes alone, dragging a golf trolley is good exercise

    Arguably it is a good walk ruined! That aside golfing was previously allowed, perhaps there will be another rethink.

    • Like 2
  7. 7 minutes ago, Meantime said:

    The gist of the BA advice and the .gov.uk guidance are similar, but subtly different and people should be following the legislation and guidance from the Government. The use of the word permitted, rather than should is key. In the government guidance they often use the word should, which is what you ought to do, or in other words a suggestion, they also could use the word "must" which would be what you've got to do, or permitted which is what you must do.

    The Authority is provably adept at re-wording Government announcements. 

    • Like 3
  8. 1 minute ago, Meantime said:

    Therefore it could be argued that cruising down the river solo, or with your family is also a stress reliever as is golf for some. So where do you draw the line? Which stress relieving recreation thats good for the mind do you allow and which ones don't you allow. 

    The distance factor is surely relevant. Fishing locally for example. I note that sailing is allowed.

  9. I'm lucky, I have space and a big garden compared with many, as I sit writing this I am sat in a 12' X 28' room with a glass wall overlooking that garden and onto the Broads, I have a degree of freedom and plenty to do. There is just my wife and I, we like our company, are reasonably content with our lives. We have miles of walks across nature reserves and along river banks. We do miss the grand-kids but we do bump into them on our walks or we see and chat with them on-line. We are actually quite enjoying Lockdown although it has meant a change of lifestyle. In a nutshell I don't feel a need for much although the wine stash is down to less than a dozen bottles after Christmas! However, I am well aware that I could be trapped in a claustrophobic, one bed flat and going stark staring bonkers! Being able to access the river bank, even if I caught nothing, could well be my route to sanity. Mental health is an important factor. Witness Mortimer & Whitehouse:


  10. 4 hours ago, Hylander said:

    Exercise such as paddle sports and sailing is permitted once a day, but you should stay local if possible.

    Very sensible! Perhaps this is the answer, motor boats with sails on them?

    Avocet of Aldburgh.jpg

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Vaughan said:

    She considers that the Phizer vaccine will be the best for the elderly but the Oxford one can be sent out to doctors' surgeries, pharmacies and clinics, as it does not need serious equipment to keep it frozen.

    The Phizer vaccine needs constant supervision of a suitably qualified pharmacist, hence my daughter's involvement. Whether that applies equally to the Oxford vaccine I don't know. As for the JPH at Gt Yarmouth, yes, a bit like a war zone. With numerous plastic buildings/tents popping up on the carparks it does look a bit like a military field hospital.

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  12. 10 minutes ago, Meantime said:

    Perhaps what hasn't been so clear is that this latest set of National restrictions are for the second time being enacted via a statutory instrument, again bypassing parliamentary democracy.

    Clearly neither we nor HMG have time to follow the more usual niceties of Parliamentary procedure. 

    Borris is not empire building, very clearly he is trying to save lives. 

    • Like 4
  13. 1 hour ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

    All along we've been reassured that the supply chain can and will manage.

    It probably can but we are also told not to leave our homes. Granted that home deliveries are available but nevertheless having a stash of necessities is reassuring. So yes, I am guilty of hoarding, we have roughly a thirty day back-up of bog rolls and the freezer is full! I'm afraid that home deliveries cannot be guaranteed whilst we depend on the health of the staff involved. Worrying about nothing? Maybe not, we are not out of the woods yet.

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