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Posts posted by JennyMorgan

  1. 4 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

    Basically since March there has been very little maintenance or upgrades carried out, it's starting to show and it's bothering me more and more



    If folk are unable to get into the boatsheds before April then it either means launching with minimal work having been done or a June launching which might mean boats drying out. Either way that might not be good. 

    At the moment Oulton Broad is laid around the edges and in the dykes, frost has remained all day and the  brass monkeys are looking anxious.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Meantime said:

    Two slight flaws in your plan. One travel from tier 3 to tier 4 not allowed, and two no overnight stays. Apart from that, sounds like a good idea :facepalm::default_biggrin:

    Fishermen fish throughout the night! The 'Mighty Tiger' can surely outrun local 'plod'! 

    Regretfully this slightly tongue in cheek discussion highlights a possible problem. Laying up/winterising has been a worry for many, now we have a very real prospect of having to worry about whether or not we will be able to fit out our beloved boats. This must especially be a worry for those owning a wooden boat. Traditionally Broads boatsheds come to life in the New Year, none less so than the DIY shed at Martham for example. 

  3. 35 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    . . . . . . second week in March, I can see that one getting cancelled tbh :default_sad:

    You need to be cunning! The end of the fishing season is the 14th of March, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean. Set your rods up on bite alarms, no bait, spot of varnishing whilst waiting for a bite, easy, no probs! I'm sure that there is a forty pound carp hibernating in the boatshed, she must surely come out for the occasional snack. Just come to Norfolk in a full hazchem suit, got to protect us locals.

    • Haha 1
  4. 23 hours ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

    Same after the car show left Earls Court and moved to the NEC (?).

    Went to the bike show at NEC one year and whilst sitting in the car in the car park witnessed four guys get out of a car, put their leathers & boots on and stroll in - Prats! 


    It's still the same with County and Game shows where people, especially dog owners, parade around in a pastiche of County clothing, a bit like some of the presenters on antiques related programs, leather hats and big checks! 

  5. My son in-law is perhaps your typical London based commuter, used to hop on the train at Oulton Broad every morning, blew £7,000 plus on fares & hotels a year but is now working from home with daily conference calls between London & the USA. He is now working longer hours but his day is shorter with no journeys. The company that he works for has fully equipped his work space with state of the art computer equipment. I doubt very much that either he or his company will return to an old style London based workplace. Apparently the company's  productivity is up in both the US and the UK, both countries relying on 'working from home' in order to keep going.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, ChrisB said:

    The Daily Express Boat Show and motor Show were also yearly musts. Excel and the NEC lack that magic ingredient, The West End, with it's Hotels, restaurants and shows and in the case of the Boat Show, in January, the "Sales" at Harrods and the like. Many made it a short family holiday after Christmas looking forwards to Summer.

    Exactly right! Mind you, not always family events, for many of us the Boat Show was a full blown, extravagant 'lads' event! Heavens, if we'd taken the ladies along they would have insisted on buying curtains and having shoe lockers installed!  

    • Haha 1
  7. The present bridges are second generation, replacing the previous single track structures. This is from Network Rail:


    A pair of century-old railway swing bridges on the Norfolk Broads are set for a much-needed revamp this month as Network Rail engineers carry out a £1.6m programme of repairs on the historic structures.

    The bridges at Reedham and Somerleyton, which have been swinging open for fixed-mast river craft since 1905, require regular maintenance to keep them in full working order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    The following photo shows the base of St Olaves bridge under construction and the ring that Vaughan has mentioned.

    St Olaves swing bridge foundations.jpg

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    • Thanks 1
  8. I well remember when the Earl's Court Boat Show was as much a part of Christmas as is holly and mistletoe, when folk in the industry worked though the holiday period to ready their exhibits whilst the punters sobered up sufficiently to be able to board a train to London, meeting old and new friends on the journey. A long day ending with dinner at a top restaurant followed by a show before catching the last train home. Good old times! The Excel never generated the same atmosphere, too much unattainable bling for one thing! 


    A boatshow.jpg

    • Like 4
  9. 3 minutes ago, grendel said:

    as has a large portion of the rest of the country, if you look at the pattern of the incidence, it is spreading from the south east as the new variant spreads from there through the country

    Worrying but seemingly not unexpected. NHS projections have been spot on. Having family on the front line I do see the increasing pressure on their staff. Roll on jabs!  

  10. 3 minutes ago, Jbx5 said:

    I know and quite rightly they don’t want the area flooded with people from all over for obvious reasons  but as we live 10 minutes from our boat some sense is needed.


    Common sense is surely the key and it suggests that you can benefit from a ten minute brisk walk to the river bank, where, quite coincidently, you stop for a spot of fishing aboard your boat, or at least a hot toddy! 

  11. 29 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    Estuary English dates right back to Roman times, when one of their commanders landed at Canvey Island and said...

    Them there Roman commanders first landed on the Great Estuary at Burgh Castle only us Angles were not overly keen on adopting their Great Estuary English, at that time.

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