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Posts posted by Victoryv

  1. I have never been in a Mc Donalds, I don't think I would know how to order etc, think its to late to start now, I am however, well aware of their littering policy, made obvious when I drive to work.

    The best hangover cure on earth is a whole Bakewell Pudding, handy when you live in walking distance to Bakewell.

    • Like 1
  2. I like Moto Guzzi too, incidentally yesterday was 100 year anniversary of the factory, Moto Guzzi owners were asked not to go out on their bike for a celebration ride as the RAC and AA are already under pressure !

  3. The boxer engined BMW are brilliant, we had an early GS, bought to tour Ireland, heated grips were a fairly new thing on a factory bike, perfect for touring in Ireland late August, I think it stopped raining for half an hour in 3 weeks. Last day thought we would have wander around Dublin before we caught the ferry, got back to the bike to find an old chap using the bike as a pulpit, wouldn't budge until he had finished preaching, only just got the ferry, only in Ireland.

    • Like 2
  4. Oh dear, Griff, Audi

    I bought an A8 demonstrator from Doncaster Audi (very nice people to deal with, good job, I was there every week) 

    It broke down, a lot, in the following months I think I probably drove every Audi model on the market, whilst mine was being repaired.

    We had owned it for about twelve months, my wife came home one night and said I think you better have a look at the car, its making a funny noise and there is smoke coming out from under the bonnet, I looked and there was a lot of smoke coming from the bonnet, I shut it and went to bed, just hoping that I would wake to a shell, I didn't but the air suspension pump had burnt out, try getting nearly three ton of car rescued !

    In the end they had to take it back, vowed never to buy another Audi !

    Thats a few years ago, I know have an Audi.

  5. Sold one of mine this week,Ducati Multistrada, just struggling to move it around the garage, going to buy something smaller and fun that won't kill me, 150bhp at my age is not sensible, might settle for about a third of that !

    I like the Kawasaki Doug, they have to be a future classic, earlier Japanese are very silly prices.

  6. We have to return to something like normal sometime, it seems better thought out this time, and we have to trust the people with the science and the stats to back up their opinions and decisions, a lot of my friends, usually nearer retirement age, seem to have settled into their new life styles with complete ease and apathy, I still work by choice, hate seeing my long fought after business suffer, even though it will survive thanks to government help. As a society we are very squeamish about acceptable deaths, we have always lived with them but rarely had the spotlight shone on them.

    I for one would rather take my chances out in the real, exciting, interesting and joyous world.

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  7. Had mine yesterday, though not in the age category, I restart my chemotherapy in a week so deemed necessary, feel a bit rough today but told to expect that.

    Got a few funny looks and one comment along the lines of what are you doing here, obviously being in a different age bracket to the rest of the queue, told him I slipped the doctor a few quid to jump my turn!


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    • Haha 6
  8. The Estate that we live on is currently featuring on a TV programme aired weekly, my wife has been involved in some of the filming, the crew, in total, amounted to two, we watched some of the filming during the summer, technology, drones etc. seem to make filming very easy, even during the lockdown period.

  9. Have you noticed how many tv programmes  are featuring Devon and Cornwall at the moment, perhaps the commissioning editors are indulging themselves by making these pointless cheap tv programmes to highlight their own second home backyard beauty spots, bet the ordinary inhabitants are going to love the outcome of that come the lockdown being lifted.

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