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Posts posted by Victoryv

  1. If you can't re live a very mis spent youth, second best is to buy the things you couldn't afford then.

    Perhaps if I had saved the money I spent on having a good time, I could have an MV Agusta too, sad day when my mother refused point blank to carry on sponsoring my lavish lifestyle!, sometimes life can be very unkind when you are young and lazy.


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  2. I built this for my wife a couple of years ago, it was an american import, very unpleasant when it arrived.

    I had one when I was 17, re living my youth!, if only, I did have a very good time !!


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  3. On 04/05/2020 at 22:51, BroadAmbition said:

    I knew it was in here somewhere :default_jumelles:



    BA NBN 762.jpg

    Now then Griff, being one of the unsung hero's, ie the self employed, and unable to get out and earn a living, if you get really desperate for cash I could be persuaded to take this off you're hands, not my usual cup off tea  you understand, so it would have to be cheap!

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  4. Is there a scarier word than cancer? to most people probably not, but once over the initial shock of a diagnosis there is a job to do, get better or at least as well as you can, cancer affects every bit of your life both mentally and physically, its not your job to fight it, that's the doctors job, its your job to fight the fall out, family and friends need support and reassurance, that is, to a degree your responsibility, you owe it to yourself to do you're bit, exercise and diet, no negative thinking (easier said than done)

    A work associate asked me one day " are you still fighting the cancer ?" my reply " no.I am hosting it and politely telling it to f--- off every week" 

    It needs to be treated with the contempt it deserves

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  5. The symptoms of bowel cancer are often mild, a niggly upset stomach, tiredness, irregular and regular (very) bowel movements, if in doubt get checked, bowel cancer is the second biggest killer in the cancer world, don't just think its old age or diet, get checked.Leave it to long and it will do its evil work quietly and without you knowing for a long time, making inroads to other organs like liver and lungs, treatment works better on early diagnosis, no shame in getting checked if things don't quite seem right, don't be "a man' and ignore it.

    Left to long the only treatment is chemotherapy, that's the time to be "a man" its vile! get checked, don't leave it!

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  6. I am classed as in the vulnerable , so locked down for 12 weeks, my treatment for cancer has also ceased for the time being, whilst this is a worry I am just enjoying feeling well for the first time in 18 months, so effectively under very powerful chemotherapy I have been in lockdown for quite a long time, a few more months won't make much difference.

    Today is my birthday, I have a yearning for a cheap and cheerful italian restaurant, pizza and to much red wine, followed by insomnia inducing espresso coffee and grappa, bliss!

    Still look on the bright side, Lasagne for tea!

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  7. 15 hours ago, JanetAnne said:

    Any trip to Ye Olde Bakewell Pudding shop would automatically, without doubt, be considered essential travel.


    Bakewell is my home town, Bakewell puddings are the finest hangover cure on earth, Bakewell tarts are what got you into trouble

    • Haha 4
  8. 14 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

    So no doubt you will have a go on your bike when you can.Also trips on the boat.What are you all looking forward to when this madness ends?

    I will just be glad to do simple things go for a coffee, drink.Perhaps visit the beach and of course the boat without the worry of this horrible disease. 

    Just had 18 months in a form of lockdown, being treated for illness, my treatment has stopped due to risk from the virus, just enjoying feeling well for the first time in ages, we still have a lot to be thankful for.

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  9. 27 minutes ago, DAVIDH said:

    I'm guessing that's because the therapy damages the immune system. I remember my wife being told her immunity was at it's lowest 10 days after the infusion. 

    Apparently they are reviewing each case independently, but yes you are right the immune system would not be strong enough to fight.

    Interestingly the hospital was warmer than usual, think they had turned the air con off.

  10. i had a very interesting conversation with a consultant yesterday, I have been on long term chemotherapy for the last 18 months, and apparently in the high risk sector if I contract the virus, the hospital advise avoiding shopping centres and centres of large congregation especially if air conditioned, interestingly the hospital was much warmer than normal yesterday.

    My chemotherapy has been cancelled for two weeks as a precaution .

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  11. 1 minute ago, Minigem said:

    Hi Woodie.

    Welcome to the website.

    I think most of us started years ago on the Broads. Nostalgic I know but then there were proper boats then, wooden, centre cockpit, engine underneath, wonderful smell of hot oil and diesel and a proper galley.

    Oh happy days. 

    You can still do this on the fleet that is the Pride of Martham.

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  12. Now where was I, oh yes,

    fish paste sandwiches, fizzy pop, the bay city rollers, punctures, the Simpkin brothers, again (some things never leave you), saturday jobs, P.E.teachers, marzipan, Mrs Bubb(next door neighbour), Austin Allegro's, school ties, socks that never stayed up, deely bobbers, oversize tartan hats, multi coloured doc martins, BSA Bantams, anybody with the name Nicholas at school, itchy fracture pots, younger sisters, tank tops, Mums wet paperback pastry, laundrettes, fibreglass curtains, shag pile carpets, Sindydolls, Cyril Lord carpet adverts, "these are carpets you can afford" no we couldn't!, liquorice sticks (what's brown and sticky? a stick!) hand knitted jumpers, busses, the Simpkin brothers, Popeye bubble bath, Birds mild coffee( I ask you, what's the point?) Wimpey bars, Blue Nun, Brut, anybody good at sport (school), anybody no good at sport (school), lager and lime, beakers, paintings of dogs smoking and playing snooker, babycham, fishing, mirrored sunglasses, the Simpkin brothers, bicycle chain oil on your new 501s.

    Still, there was a lot to love.

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  13. Hot-aches, pink custard, cross country running, sing something simple, black and white minstrels, camp coffee, cod liver oil, nits, tapioca, chilblains, on the buses, semolina, early mornings, tetanus jabs, P.E., sisters recorder practice, mashed potato, sundays, sister talking half way through recording top of the pops, flares, broken limbs, school football, smog, school cricket, gonks, pink blancmange, school rugby, austin maxis, sherbert, not knowing what happened to Lord Lucan, scooters, mother enforced crew cut, plastic sandles, nylon sheets, the Simkin brothers(its a school thing), national health glasses, skinheads, aztec bars.

    Cant think of anything else of the top of my head!







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