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Posts posted by Victoryv

  1. The name on the shed is L A Robinson, the boat is Vesta 8, no A304

    The figure standing on the back is my father, I have a collection of these old pictures. Little did I know just how expensive my early fascination with these pictures would be!

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  2. This subject must have been raised before today, whilst we were moored at Loddon last week a couple  in front of us kindly offered us the use of their mooring on Oulton Broad whilst they were away for the week, we were not able to make use of it as we were headed back north, however it did get me thinking, those of us that are fortunate enough to own a boat also have a mooring, often left empty for long periods. Would it be possible to create some sort of register of empty moorings available for others to use, especially at busy periods.Perhaps it is something that could be made a part of the forum with a small charge per night made to forum funds.

    I would be more than happy for people to use our mooring, albeit above the low bridge.




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  3. We have a lovely old wooden cruiser that we lavish a lot of love and attention on, did'nt look quite as beautiful last week with two bowsprit dents in its hull from a yacht that just kept going regardless of the damage caused, still I am happy to take this in our stride as it is only time and filler and paint to put right.


    What I do occasionally find irksome though, is, although most yachty types sit a lot lower in the water, they still manage to look down on me!

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  4. Purple emperor spotted last summer at Horsey


    Booming Bitterns all around Horsey last week and the White Eagle has been spotted recently ( although the spotter would`nt divulge where)

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  5. We have whats turned out to be a very trusty 4108,considered a change whilst the boat was being restored ,but decided to stop throwing money into the river and hang fire on a new engine for a couple of years, will still show many a boat a clean transom over Breydon when asked but I think this is more the genius of Martham hull design than the motor fitted, would be nice if it was just a bit more relaxing though.

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