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Posts posted by Victoryv

  1. On 05/11/2017 at 19:53, charlesa said:

    Juliette, Martham, 5ft -10”, only just !

    We had a fancy to pop through the bridge for a couple of days, a couple of weeks ago. Left Martham and moored by the fishermen just before the new bridge, no other boats on the mooring as we walked down to the pilots office to check the height, 5ft 7inch, no chance there then! quick wander up to Lathams for teacakes (excellent by the way) and back to the boat. Moored in front of us was Juliette, which ten minutes earlier had been moored on the pilots side, now what sort of magic had occurred here ? one of the Martham boats lads had bought it through, such skill and not a little brave, also perfect timing, end of season and both forward hand rails perfectly sanded and ready for varnish!

    Ideally I like 6ft 10inch or more to get through, and even then I am a bit outside my comfort zone. If needs must I have done it at 6ft 1inch, not much room for error. If I can see the stone stanchions at the base of the bridge out of the water I am happy to go, if it looks a bit tight I moor up and check the gauge in the pilots office.I never get complacent about the bridge, still scary aiming all that lovely wood and varnish at a small hole, but the feeling the first time you do it for yourself is right up there.

    I like the challenge of the bridge, wouldn't want to lose it.

    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Maxwellian said:
    23 hours ago, Malanka said:

    Big BMW Big AUDI big VOLVO drivers who pull out in front of you forcing you to break then travel 60 m up the road to turn either left or right... Grrr.

    Sorry, must try harder!

    Me too !

    I would buy one of those Warrior/Ninja trucks if only they would put the name on the back in bigger letters.


    • Haha 1
  3. Hope this footage inspires somebody to save an old boat, we bought ours because I found about a dozen old photos of a holiday my mum and dad had in 1954 aboard Landamores Vesta 8 , stuck with me until I could do it.

    Love every minute.









  4. 10 minutes ago, Malanka said:

    My comment was merely to point out that the EDP was again using huge and unnecessary dramatic license. Jumping in to rescue a young girl from the water is heroic enough without the added BS. Icy water in August... What ???? My detector went off which a clang on that one.


    Same as it did on the chewed up swan piece. Good journalism does not embellish that which does not require embellishment. Especially not when that embellishment actually lessens the credidibility of the report. Icy water in August...

    Where was the sub editor with a modicum of common sense when that rubbish passed his or her desk.

    Written from my desk whilst basking in the late summer rays streaming through my part opened blinds hiding the magnificent vista beyond....Grrrrr


    Actually it's raining and dull but didn't read as well. No drama in its raining and dull.



    Always a silver lining, my brother in law lives in Switzerland, I like the thought that its raining on him.

  5. 18 hours ago, Broadsword said:

    Or usual 'first night' stop at Womack spoiled by neighbour running engine for no less than 90 minutes... Noise and diesel fumes during dinner... Finally stopped and we now remember why we like it here. 

    Up the sailies!:594c04f0e761f_default_AnimatedGifVehiclessaily:

    My sympathies, just had the Peak District version, 90 minutes of tuneless bell ringing.

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  6. 18 hours ago, Andrewcook said:

    I would like to know if any hiring Cruisers or Private Cruisers  have Crimes committed in the Summer or Winter?  I watched on BBC One this Morning called Thief Trackers this one about Outboard Motors blimey as a Sailing Club had a few Stolen and cost them a fortune to replace as theses Outboards are used on Small Boats for Sail Racing Yachts Safety. In the Programme they put a Tracker in one off there Outboard Motor and the Thieves went off with it and where caught with there Outboard Motor plus with quite a few others may I say in White Van Blimey what Catch and the Thieves are doing time for this good. There's an Old saying I believe if you have not got the Time Don't do the Crime. 

    Andrew Cook    

    If you have got the time, its a crime not to be on the broads !

    • Like 1
  7. One of the funniest insult incidents I remember came from my wife, we were out walking the day after my dad died, we got a little lost and took a short cut down a farmers drive, just as the farmers wife drove up, she was not happy and started ranting in a totally over the top fashion. I was in no mood to argue and so ignored her and walked off, she told my wife in no uncertain terms how rude I was. My wife stood listening until she had finished and replied " I apologise for my husbands behaviour, its just that he doesn't tolerate fools"

    Think she may just have lived with me to long !

    • Like 3
    • Haha 3
  8. I often arrive back at my mooring to find a fisherman, usually I explain that I wish to moor and I will wander up river, turn around and come back, giving them plenty of time to move. The usual response is why don't you moor further down, I now have to explain, whilst trying to be polite that I pay a lot of money per year to leave my boat where their tackle is. They either don't grasp the notion of a reserved mooring or can't be bothered to move. 

    I do get a bit fed up of clearing the litter they leave to, usually empty sardine tins ! 

    My wife disapproves of my  favourite derogative term for such people, it contains 2 t's and not much else, always makes me feel better to use it under my breath though.

    • Like 3
  9. 49 minutes ago, Malanka said:

    Personally I don't mind it I find that a lot less offensive than the true word with substitute letters in it. If it's the decision not to use it that's fine with me but it is a little pc as it sums up the feeling at the time without recourse to disgusting hurtful foul language which was all going at huge volume in my direction including the C word. 


    As for nets  he left them deliberately and I had no choice the wind was pushing me in which is what I told him. He spent more time collecting His huge stash of empty beer cans which took an inordinate amount of time swearing at me the whole time, in the full hearing of my daughter and my wife and my sixteen yr old son. After that my feeling is that particular epithet fits the bill.


    apologies if you don't agree



    Not on using the C word, keep it in December I say.

  10. 1 hour ago, grendel said:

    it is very easy to criticise, but how many of us read the bridge heights before we drive under them, I have owned a 10 foot high vehicle, and had a few close calls through forgetting, I have seen a car with a pushbike on the roof go through a car park entrance with height barrier, (the bike was wrecked as was the rear screen it was forced through). if you arent thinking about it, you just drive up to a bridge assuming you will fit.

    yes, I know you are warned, I know the height is printed on the dash board, but if you are relaxing - on holiday, and dont happen to see the height marker, these things will happen - it could have been any of us.

    So this is why we dont name and shame here - because one day it might be you, and you will be embarrassed enough as it is without us piling it on.

    I don't think that is an excuse when you are in responsible for fellow crew, and somebody else's substantial investment.

    I agree we should not name and shame, but if it was a fancy private boat stuck under the bridge, how many would be more than happy to gloat.

    Tends to focus the mind when your own money and hard labour have gone into a boat.

    • Like 1
  11. Apparently its not PC to shoot stupid people !

    Probably a good thing really, I would have been put down years ago.

    Still I can read a tape measure and have a basic fear of trying to get something very expensive (wether it belongs to me or not) beneath a space ,I am not entirely sure it will go, so probably not as stupid as some, so is it stupid to shoot stupid people ?

    Sorry, stupid idea.

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