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Posts posted by Victoryv

  1. Hickling in the fog is quite an experience, very magical place, we have also had a slightly surreal experience on a spring evening last year, beautiful clear evening and nobody else about. We decided to mud weight in the middle, the water was flat calm and reflecting the sparsely clouded sky, stood on top of the boat it was difficult to get your bearings, in fact the both of us were unsure which way up we were, even though it was perfectly still with no wind, we felt we had to hold onto the boat.I told Ross, the wildlife tour man at the staithe (excellent tour by the way) about it and he explained that it was a locally known phenomenon and gave it a name (forgotten of course) Apparently the victorians would offer trips in the hope people were lucy enough to experience it.

  2. 25 years! lightweight.

    Obviously a random younger woman you photographed in the street.

    Just taken me about twenty minutes to type the above, a friend and I have just been looking in a bottle of twenty five year old ardbeg, marvellous but sadly the nearest I will get to a twenty five year old ,


  3. 3 hours ago, grendel said:

    is it bad that I was looking at the Marthams workshop on streetview and noticed they had 3 identical 20 ft wooden boats sitting in their yard 3 of their Jaunty 20's, and then I notice one of the Fibreglass ones is called Grendel. when we go up to work on Tims boat I am  going to need cast iron resolve not  to buy one to do up.

    Don't look !

    Thats what I did, heartache and joy.

    I am quite good at planking on the upside.

  4. 21 hours ago, Timbo said:


    At the end of the day, even a one-eyed weasel is right at least twice a day! If the party of the first part had indeed spotted the bear out of the window on the south side then the baby would have had blue eyes even if his mother did get on the bus first and left second. Is that right? Of course, it isn't. But then he was flying the wrong flag. What degree of trust can you have when the flag shows the beach is clean, only to be eaten by a shark? If it had been me I would have employed a net no matter who profited. Okay I know someone will point out that net profits still need adjustment which only begs the question 'if you have to adjust your prophet is he actually a bonafide prophet or did he predict he would be brushed aside'? The thing is if you set them aside, the prophet margins are soon going to fill up and who will profit from that?  The key thing to remember is that, and I am quite adamant...well more your Prince Charming so stand and deliver...about this is that... will we, nil we, it's all pretty much of a muchness of a to do...and as we all know a bit of a to-do requires a 'list' and at the top of my Liszt, at the end of the day, is the Hungarian Rhapsody. But when all is said and done, I prefer a mug of cocoa.

    Reasoned and insightful !

    I have overstayed at Potter, ten days waiting for the tide to fall, BA rang me on a regular basis and asked when I would be moving my boat, I explained that once the river level dropped, the boatyard would be moving my boat back to its home mooring. I think he rang me regularly out of concern for my welfare, perhaps he thought I was lost in Lathams (its happened before). In the small village I live in, if a car is parked up for more than a couple of days ,the locals inform the police, just in case the owner has done something silly (its happened before).

    The ranger eventually agreed that there was little he could do as long as we were waiting for the tide, he did say to make sure no valuables were on show, just in case, especially mentioning the kettle!

    The nice people at the pilots office kept an eye on my boat, and even offered to move it into there day boat moorings once the boats were out for winter (it was late Nov)they were of course rewarded handsomely with cake, from Lathams, my wife bought it as I struggle to find the exit in Lathams.

    • Like 1
  5. Hello Doug, currently enjoying all that the Caledonian canal has to offer, but took ten minutes to catch up whilst waiting for the old people to wake up and get ready to go for my birthday meal, that aside I looked at Royal Tudor in the shed a few weeks ago and thought this needs a few hands, will certainly try and be there. Excellent idea.

    • Like 2
  6. Thank you for the helpful replies, we leave on Wed to slowly make our way up to Inverness, staying at Falkirk to see the wheel and the Kelpies.

    Guessing it should be reasonably quite this time of year, so not worried about mooring etc

    We have hired from Caley Cruisers, seem to be very nice people to deal with. 

    Would have loved to hire something made of wood but though I searched nothing doing.

    • Like 1
  7. Ooo thats my kind of policing !

    I had an incident just before christmas, went to overtake a very slow travelling pickup on a country lane, once along side he swerved and knocked my vehicle into a ditch. I managed to get his reg no and ring the police from the hedge bottom, the police were at best unhelpful, "that reg no doesn't exist, it'll be travellers, nothing we can do". I pointed out that they had set up camp less than half a mile away and it might just be worth a look, but again he insisted there was nothing the police could do.

    So this week when my old two grand vitara needed an mot, I was very tempted not to bother, just fit some old no. plates and drive wherever without a care in the world, after all with a dent in the side it looks very traveller ish.

    Sorry for your trouble Griff, just carry on and keep smiling, and remember if they do catch them and they go to prison, you're hard work and taxes will keep them from a proper job once again.

    Funny old world, never mind at least my two grand vitara passed its test.


    • Like 1
  8. I reckon, for an old boat like ours, 35ft, £2500 to £3000 a year, same again at the petrol station and in the pub (60 , 40 split as per diesel , except reversed maybe)

    Probably keep those figures to myself, else there could be questions asked in the house !

    • Like 1
  9. I read the bit about Beccles with a heavy heart, first time we turned up there, was in the dying days of the Vintage Wooden Boat gathering, five years of pouring money into our project and looking forward to being there. Turned up at Beccles late friday evening, hardly a soul spoke to us never mind a welcome. Next day the same, we just couldn't understand it, it was like we had turned up on a gin palace and expected to be welcomed.

    Next day, late afternoon, as I walked down the quay looking at boats, somebody I vaguely recognised shouted over, "When is she off to the Thames then ?" well I was quite puzzled by this and said as such, seems the rumour had got out that we were taking our restored broads boat and putting her where she didn't belong. well I put him right and the half a dozen or so within hearing range. Next morning, and all of a sudden we were welcome, bit late I thought, you can stuff this !

    Now Dave, the organiser of the present meet, asked us to come along, I told him we were not that bothered and explained the reason, still he persevered and we went. What a brilliant weekend, lovely people, lovely boats.

    Do give it another chance, don't think you would regret it.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  10. Lets have some more then, stop messing about.

    As I was amongst the group that sort of cajoled you into parting with hard earned, I support you whole heartedly in this venture, last time we saw your boat it looked a treat, and at least yours floated when you bought it.

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