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Posts posted by ChrisB

  1. Some time ago someone on one of the forums recommended a book, it is called "Isles of The West" by Ian Mitchell.

    It is a very good read if you are interested in small boat cruising the Western Isles but in context with this thread it offers a real insight into the workings of the RSPB in Scotland. I bought it in Kindle format for Android so pretty cheap. Sorry if I am pinching someone's thunder but please read if you can.

  2. When you talk of the RSPB you are not talking about a cash strapped charity.

    For FY 2013/14 the figures go along the lines of Income £127m Cost of generation £33m and a sort of profit if you will of £94m.

    Of that income £30m was from legacies.

    Very powerful serious players.

  3. I don't think it will take 30 years, as has already been stated the northern parts of Norwich will infill and then spill over to the north of the new road. It will be like what happened with the M25 but on a smaller scale.

    I don't understand why we can't fix the atrocious state of our infastructure before building the new.

  4. Not an integrated approach is it? It boxes in the airport so there can be no expansion. I believe KLM will be reviewing their facility there.

    I can't really see what it will achieve other than as someone has said fill in the green space around Norwich and have a detrimental effect on the Wensum Valley.

  5. Not wishing to go off subject but I do find this whole "Brand Partner" business slightly worrying.

    I can imagine all sorts of business ploughing money into NPs in order to ingraciate themselves when there is a conflict of interest between the perceived aims and objects of an NP and their aims be they energy, development or retail.

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  6. My interest is purely academic but I have always considered it an excellent spot should I decide to base myself southside at some point.

    I also did not realise that Tingdene were in to holiday villages and "lifestyle" parks but it seems they are in quite a big way.

  7. I am sure Peter or someone local can anser this.

    Is Broadland Holiday Village owned by the marina group Tingdene?

    If so are there permanent moorings to be leased there?

    Good morning to all.


  8. I use viewranger. The 1:25000 explorer OS map for the Broads is about £12. Once purchased you can use it on your phone or tablet. Shows speed, position etc. It works great on i.pad and i.phone as well but not on windows.

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