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Posts posted by grendel

  1. travelling north they still have the barriers at the moment, you have to come to an almost stop before they rise, so there are still queues, but not as bad as they usually are, southbound, they route everyone round the barriers, so its 4 lanes with a wiggle in, maybe 40mph max, but moving, tonight there was a broken down lorry, right opposite where the barriers were, and we still sailed through at 40mph. its a shame I then got stuck for an hour at Brenley corner just outside faversham due to barrier repairs. hit the back of that queue at just after 6pm, got home 5 miles further 7.20pm.


    more details here - http://www.highways.gov.uk/roads/road-projects/dartford-crossing-remote-payment-scheme/

    look at the journey impact pages to see the phased traffic plans and final road layout.


  2. my Uncle was a postie in the town of Deal in kent, he had through the years done every round in the town, including the seafront round - this involved on several occasions sailing out to the goodwin sands with a fibreglass postbox, to collect first day covers posted from the sands, he would hand frank them in the boat on the way back.

    later on he was solely responsible for the mis-addressed mail department, from his experience he knew most of the peoples surnames for the whole town, and very few letters did not get delivered, he also knew all the old people who might need a little help now and then, popping into the local shop to fetch some little thing they needed. now that is customer service.

    I'm not sure who the delivery company were, but the online shop was bon prix.


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  3. not sure who the carrier was, my daughter will be putting in a complaint, no note left to tell us it had been delivered (though she did get an email notification it had been delivered). fortunately the package remained sealed and her new jeans were ok.


  4. This morning I went to my parents, when I got back I was doing some odd jobs round the house, I just happened to look into the garden, and spotted a bag on the path near the back gate, strange I thought, thinking it must be some rubbish. When I got there it was a parcel from a clothes company, and was addressed to my daughter.

    I was horrified, just the thought that a delivery companys standards were so low that they just chucked a parcel into someones back garden with no thought as to the consequences - or if it would be found, I dont even know how long it has been out there as I didnt even look out there yesterday, and all week it has been dark when I left for work, and dark when I got home.

    I will press my daughter to contact the company and put in a complaint, as I for one think that the delivery drivers behaviour is shocking.


  5. jim, check your spam folders, thats where I found mine, I had to log in online to my BT email account and check the spam folders there to find it, I find the BT spam filters far too aggressive, and have now turned them off, I now get 2 maybe 3 spam emails a day now, but I was losing maybe 20 a day genuine emails too (out of about 40 a day regular emails)


  6. our company is still sorting out the dart charge, when one of the girls in the office emailed the person dealing with it in our leicester office, she was told, oh we'll sort it out Monday, we have an engineers meeting monday, all the engineers in the south east will be coming into the office just north of the tunnel, well we warned head office that everything needs to be in place by about 7am on monday or they will be getting letters and fines, the charge system wont deduct crossings by vehicles from the account if they cross before its set up will it.

    Ah Sigh.


  7. just a heads up this morning there were signs saying night closures on the tunnel for the 29th and for the bridge on the 30th November.

    I did eventually find my email to change over to the new system, as it had been bulk emailed my kind service provider had relegated it to the spam folder as junk, this was strange as a while back I had turned off the spam filter because of the amount of genuine mail it had been filtering, it seems as though when BT changed their email system a few months back they had turned the spam filter back on. I prefer to be able to receive the spam and filter it in outlook as that way I don't miss any important emails that the provider thinks are spam (and point proven I think)


  8. I was 18 before we had a TV, and was brought up on a diet of radio, Hancock, Goons, Navy Lark and round the horne (julian and sandy), plus all the radio plays and serialisations on the radio.so my current listening is a bit like going back to those years.


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  9. busy listening to the navy lark at the moment on my trips to and from work, I finished the goons the other week, and still have round the horne to go (about 430 programs in total- well 430 files on my mp3 player


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  10. being a great underwater swimmer has disadvantages, while at school my record was 55m underwater, one time though I got my teachers very worried - we were learning basic survival in canoes, the proper method of exiting a canoe after a capsize, roll canoe, slap bottom of canoe then exit.

    All went to plan until my turn, ok capsize canoe, wait for bubbles to clear, lazily reach round and drum fingers on canoe bottom, then exit, just in time to stop the two instructors diving into the water to rescue me, oops.

    Unfortunately the underwater swimming ability comes from the general inability to naturally float, they say everyone has inherent bouyancy, for me this means being in the water, relaxing and letting my body float, yes vertically with about the top 1/2 inch of my head above the surface (with a few weeks practice I can still manage 2 lengths of the local pool underwater, but maybe not more than twice in a swimming session, te rest of the time I will stick to single lengths or widths and try not to upset the lifeguards.


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  11. having watched MTB102 heading down the coast earlier this year, and then texting Griff to tell him she had vanished off the track (until they turned the system back on) I was also able to spot the spurious appearance of Broad Ambition just as they came to Tower Bridge, just for a moment.


  12. my late uncle used to be a traffic cop and managed to catch the same guy 3 times in one day, when asked why on the last time he explaind that having been stopped twice already he was running late to all his appointments and his office had told him to catch up (my uncle let him off the last ticket)


  13. Without fail I have always found Blackwall to be slower than queuing at the tunnel, its the congestion on the roads leading to it, even at 6am it is slow. Dont forget to check that your registration is registered for the new charge as it changes after Saturday night next weekend.


  14. I know that leaking feeling, still trying to find the last few dribbles in the conservatory I put up over the summer, as of now we just have damp patches, not puddles, and only when it rains as hard and constant as it has all weekend. (south kent here). I hope you get them all sorted soon.


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  15. I have been there too on zero hour contracts, how can a company complain when you take a job with a competitor that is full time, when in 6 months they have given you just a few hours work, yet the one employing me did (they also said they had a lot of work for me coming up, I didnt believe that either) just 20 hours work a month would have paid the bills, but they couldnt even manage that.


  16. I run 2 cameras in the car, one forward facing one rearward, they record continuously while the ignition is on, storing to a 32Gb sd card, as they fill the card it overwrites the older files, thus requiring no attention unless something happens, in one instance I reviewed the recording, when turning left across a bus lane I nearly sideswiped a taxi I had not seen, on reviewing the video, in about 100 yards he had swung into the bus lane from 2 cars behind, and come alongside me, at the time I had been doing 30mph until I braked for the turn, so he had been speeding up the bus lane undertaking myself and the cars behind me, if I had hit him, I would have assumed the fault was all mine, but on reviewing the video, he played a large part in the process with his driving style.

    Thus I fully appreciate their presence, mine were very cheap (about £11 each, plus £12 for the 32Gb cards) but they show enough detail to apportion blame.

    Some systems you can get are a lot more sophisticated, and have gps tracking and record sudden changes in speed or direction too, but for the amount I paid I am happy they do the job.


  17. if they had a stair gate with a lock (and not all stairs can be fitted with stair gates easily) would it still be a concern? a lot will depend upon the reason a lock is fitted, as mentioned it may be a concern for the safety of the child (from falling downstairs) in such a case it is as easily justified as a stair gate would be (in case of fire the two are just as much a barrier, in fact a shut door is a better barrier from fire as it gives extra time for a rescue to be attempted from outside (provided the room has no appreciable fire hazards inside)) if however it is to stop the child wandering into the parents room and disturbing them, a better suggestion would be a lock inside the parents door. If the child is otherwise well looked after I would not worry too much.

    I would think it no more illegal than a locked stair gate is.

    whether to call social services comes down to the motivation behind locking the door, first get the facts before making accusations I think.


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