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Posts posted by grendel

  1. I cant be the only one who has reached out and stuck my fingers into the wrong end of a 110V plug that was live from the other end - surely (and for some reason it was live at 240V ) fortunately I was lying under the caravan on a metal sheet at the time (did I say I worked for an electricity company)- actually perhaps that cable should go in the bodged jobs thread - the previous occupant had provided 240V to the caravan - by wiring a 110V socket into the floor, and wiring a cable with 110V plug on one end and a 240V plug on the other, I had crawled under the caravan to see what was needed to plug it in, reached out for the plug and stuck a finger straight down the inside to the pins. ouch.


  2. I once made a painful mistake with an old 90v radio battery - fortunately it only had about 20v left when I stuck it across my tongue, boy what a headache that left.

    I am fairly lucky to be blessed with a high resistance thankfully after several incidences with mains electrickery (remember to turn off and unplug from sockets before getting a knife out and cutting the cable off an appliance).


  3. I have a power shower somewhere at home waiting for me to install it, unfortunately I am the other way round, as if a job is worth doing its worth overdoing - that and handy access to 25mm single phase and 3 phase cable, that are usually used to connect a house to the mains and goodness only knows what size cable will be run between a new breaker and the shower unit, all I can say is that it will be capable of carrying the current.


  4. I found that I could flip a loop round a post from the boat, then using a skipping rope type motion, flip a second loop around the post, then I could tie up to the cleat on the boat, and repeat the process at the next corner of the boat (then of course disembark and moor securely).


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  5. The Ropery at Chatham dockyard is a red alert if it catches fire with about 26 fire engines called out if its alarms go off, this is mostly due to the hemp dust and fibres from the manufacture of the ropes, these have impregnated everywhere and are highly combustible, also when you consider the building is over a mile long you can understand why it is a no smoking zone.


  6. The gantrys and cameras are already there, just as you are dropping down into the tunnel, and just before exiting the bridge.

    if you keep abreast of the news for the crossing you will have spotted that the charges are indeed going to rise over the next few years (locals consider this a bit of a betrayal really as many years ago it was promised that when the tunnels had been paid for, they would become free of charge, then the bridge was built, and once again the same promise was given, then the crossing was sold to a private consortium, and all bets went out of the window. when you think about it the new system will be simpler, faster, and more convenient (rather than fumbling in your pocket to find change) but then again all the existing staff are going to lose their jobs, as they wont need people to man the toll booths.

    For the road changes, eventually the booths will go, and be replaced by just 4 lanes of traffic, with an changeover set of lanes so that they can close the bridge in high winds and use one tunnel each way.

    as you see here - blast cant seem to add a link - its 50p more for cars and vans and an extra £1 for lorries as soon as the new system comes in ( for the over 130,000 vehicles per day!!)  that's well over £ 1/2 million a day at the moment). the link is on .gov.uk .

    still at least its still free overnight.

    as for the queues, they have already dismantled the end two booths each way at the auto tolls, its just a metal frame at the moment (obviously preparing the way to open the road through the tolls) that was done earlier in the year.


  7. MM one of my Bosses (an electrical engineer and senior authorised person for HV cable installations), managed to nearly lose his finger when working on his car, the screwdriver he was working on one battery terminal with, shorted to the other via his wedding ring, very rapidly the ring got very hot. it had to be cut off (the ring) and he was lucky that he hadn't cauterised every blood vessel to the end of his finger or he would have lost it.

    That said - one I learnt last night - don't trust anyone who tells you that a battery terminal  is either positive or negative - always check, I went out late last night to help a mate who had broken down, when connecting the jump leads I connected negative to the one he told me was negative, and positive to my car battery, then to the other terminal, cue big fat yellow sparks, no I wont connect there - checked terminals, and yes he had told me the wrong way round, reconnected correctly, ah yes little blue sparks as I connect - that's better, much more what I expected.- yes He got home safely.


  8. if you think thats bad, I have to go through / over twice a day to get to and from work, yes I have a dart tag, which will automatically carry over to an account. the way I see it is that it will work the same as the congestion zone in london, you go through, you pay. companies will be easier as they can just list all of the company vehicles on their account.


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