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Posts posted by Mouldy

  1. 5 hours ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

     . . . . . . . Wiggy is a good friend of Boycee, they were both moored next to eachother at Oulton Broad Yacht Station last week. Boycee`s boat is really nice and called "Sandpiper". Wiggy`s boat is called "Wiggy". . . . . . 

    Spotted Wiggy a couple weeks ago heading towards The Ferry House from Brundall.      In fact, we moored next to him back in April at The Ferry House and had had a few words with him (friendly obviously).  Also saw Boycee’s boat outside The Ferry House a couple of weeks ago, with what used to be Mr Nog’s favourite boat (Swan Royale), which has clearly found a new owner.

    • Like 3
  2. Hi Simon

    May have seen you at Potter this afternoon, almost opposite Woods yard.  We moored at the ‘quiet’ moorings a few hundred yards downriver from there.  We’re on Moonlight Shadow this week with our son and his family.  Heading for Womack in the morning, for supplies from Ludham village, so we’ll be on the lookout for you whilst we’re on the Northern rivers.

    • Like 1
  3. My last car came with a can of sealant and no spare wheel and the current one at least had a space saver, which would at least get you home, but at a greatly reduced speed.  I sourced a full size standard alloy for both, together with necessary foam inserts and tools, had a tyre fitted and replaced the other bits.  The thought of sitting at the side of the road waiting to be recovered in the event of a puncture isn’t one that I enjoy.  

    Removing the ability to carry a spare wheel is an easy way for manufacturers to get more money for their vehicles using weight saving and fuel consumption as the reasons for not fitting them as standard.

  4. 35 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

    We've never been cruising at 6.30 am, but in one, "WOW", what an amazing experience, and one we WILL be doing again.   

     . . . . . . . . . .  and really enjoyed the early morning sun with mist rolling across the water, truly stunning, why haven't we done this before?. 

    Couldn't agree more.  A wonderful time of the day to get going.  There's something special about being first to disturb the calm, mirrored water as the sun rises.

    We did the same back in April, the last time we were on Moonlight Shadow.  We moored at Langley Dyke (awful place!) and needed an early start to make slack water at Yarmouth.  It was quite misty when we set off, but it soon cleared and turned into a beautiful day.




    • Like 4
  5. 14 hours ago, finny said:

    You caught us on a very very bad defensive game by City and nothing else 

    we will still win the league :default_eusa_dance:



    Excuses, excuses!

    With their money, they should  . . . . . . . . . but it's a funny old game and a long season and I actually derive a lot of pleasure watching someone eating a large portion of humble pie.

    As much as it pains me to say it, I think that it could be another team from the North West who wear red that are in with a good shout (not Man United) and there are one or two London clubs who could be knocking on the door too.

    All will become apparent in May 2020!


  6. 1 hour ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

     . . . . . . .One problem our bulge pump is not working right. . . . . . 

    Must have a look for one of those.  I have a few bulges that could do with being reduced!!😁😁

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  7. There are still four of BBC’s boats for sale at NYA, Horning.  They’ve only been operating with three hire boats this season, I believe and I recall that there was some concern earlier in the year as all of their fleet were still out of the water  at Acle until at least a week into April.  Perhaps some additional indication of the situation could have been the closure of Pedros at Horning.

    It’s a shame, but possibly a little too ambitious as a project, given the cost of building new craft.

    • Like 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

    According  to the EDP, Brundall boat  builders. Trading as Vogue have gone belly up.They have only been going for a year.They also own Pedro's .Not nice seeing a company go out of business. 

    Is that Broads Boating Company, then?

  9. 10 minutes ago, ranworthbreeze said:

    Hi Mouldy,

    Once you have returned the card if memory serves me correctly you basically pay just £3 and nothing at all for the mooring, assuming you can find space to get in, watch out for the current here we sometimes have to put a central warp to try and keep us straight when stern moored. 




    Hi Alan

    That's right.  I think the last time I bought a card it was £8, with £5 returned for the card once used.  No mooring fee (unlike most other pubs on the rivers, refundable or not) and no charge for water either.  You can book moorings, too as well as a table.

    Little wonder it is so busy!



    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, vanessan said:

    Pelican can currently be found at Stokesby. Making her way south maybe??

    Going to Bargate to moor alongside that other blot on the otherwise wonderful landscape maybe.  Wherry graveyard on one side and sunken cruisers the other.

  11. 8 minutes ago, brundallNavy said:

    All I want is a Silent Night but I Dunlopillo. about you I can’t Sleepezee until you cover them in tar and cover with goose and duck down if my memory foam serves me right you won’t top this 😋

    Silent Night?  Dont mention the 'C' word or Jay will chime in.  By the way Duvet Know its Christmas?

  12. 3 hours ago, Timbo said:

    I was wondering if Aunty Pat would knit a few woolly prop warmers with the forum logo on? It will soon be time to winterise those boats you know!

    They could be sold for a blanket fee to bolster the Forum funds.

  13. 6 hours ago, ranworthbreeze said:

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charging points from other providers are available.

    There are electric posts at both Oulton Broad and Beccles Yacht Stations, that differ from most others in that you pay for your electric as part of the enhanced mooring fee.  We found this very useful in February as we had taken a small fan heater which we left on low overnight and kept the chill off.

    The Ferry House at Surlingham have their own electric posts - cards are available from the bar, with a refundable deposit against the card once used.  They also have a water hose, which is free to their customers, even during the winter.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  14. 8 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    Lovely to meet you both briefly at Pye's Mill.

    Maybe we need to organise a meal out as Polly suggested and have a proper chat.

    8 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    Beautiful photos Malcolm. Especially the early morning ones.

    Thanks Helen.  Photography has been a lifelong passion since my dad bought me a camera when I was about seven.  When the weather and the scenery are so stunning, I am thankful we now use digital and not film!

    • Like 1
  15. 5 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    May I ask who you got to make your burgee please ?

    Certainly can.  Gina at Sewing Ark made it.  Well pleased.  She has a Facebook page (just search for Sewing Ark) or can be emailed at sewingark@btinternet.com

    • Thanks 1
  16. When we bought Norfolk Lady, the plan was to go to The Broads every other weekend at the moment, so the wife worked out on which weekends we should visit to ensure we were able to make use of the extra day over August Bank Holiday weekend.  Up until now, every other weekend has brought strong winds, rain, grey skies or a combination of any of them. . . . . . . . . . . . . until this one.

    I’d been looking at the weather forecasts and was hopeful that we may be lucky and boy were we lucky.  How fantastic was that?  Blue skies and soaring temperatures - just glorious.  It even made suffering the Bank Holiday traffic getting there worthwhile.  We even managed to get to the Blofield chippy in time to sample their wares on Friday evening and it has to be said that as fish and chip shops go, it is very good indeed.  Large cod and regular chips twice was the order and we rushed to the boat to eat them, even before unpacking the car.

    We’d had some curtain rails installed in the wheelhouse and the wife had made some curtains to go across the doors at the stern, so we hung those before having our customary hot drink and going to bed.

    We had planned to go to either Beccles or Oulton Broad, but other events and a lack of available moorings put paid to that, so we took our time to get ready, wandered round to the Co-Op for a few essential supplies.  Once again, the lure of Brian Wards drew me in to buy a couple more essentials before returning to Norfolk Lady.  We started up, cast off and headed out of the yard and onto The Yare.  We intended to overnight at Pyes Mill, but as we had some time to kill, we headed through Bargate (where thick weed was clearly visible through the clear water) turning right onto the main river and through Brundall before heading for Hartley Cross and The Chet.  

    The river was busier than I can ever remember seeing, hardly surprising given that it was a Bank Holiday.  We made good progress, enjoying the weather and arrived at Pyes Mill around 14:00.  It was busy, but we managed to squeeze in between two other private craft.  We chatted to the owners for a while before wandering into town, where I suffered the onset of a dreadful thirst and was forced to call into The Kings Head for a cheeky pint before carrying on!

    Thirst quenched, we carried on to the church and headed through the lanes and back to the boat.  We sat in the well at the stern and chilled, before having a salad for dinner washed down with fermented grape juice.  We sat outside until after the sun set, before turning in for the night.

    Sunday morning dawned and I pulled some clothes on and went out with my camera to record the sunrise.  The early morning mist soon burned off to reveal another gorgeous day.  We had breakfast before showering and wandered back into Loddon to walk the dog and collect a couple of bits from the Co-Op.  Once back to the boat, we cast off and topped up with water at Pacific Cruisers.  Heading back up The Chet, we saw Moonlight Shadow moored at Pyes Mill, so slowed down to exchange a few words with Helen (Ynys Mon) and her husband. We carried on to Hardley Cross and turned left.

    I had thought about mooring at Short Dyke, but did check Langley Dyke on the way, which was full.  Rockland it was then!  All of the BA moorings were full, but we managed to find a spot close to the broad itself, with quay heading, but using our rhond anchors.  After a while, we walked round the Broad to the staithe, where once again an overwhelming thirst got the better of me and we called into the New Inn for a cooling beer.  We were tempted by the food there, but we had supplies on the boat, so headed back.

    We sat at the stern again and had our meal ‘al fresco ‘ as the sun went down.  I had been busy with my camera and taken a few shots of the sunset.  A proliferation of flying insects eventually forced us sadly into the boat.  It must have been the heat, but we were both tired, so had another early night.

    I was up early on Monday.  Dressed and with camera in hand, I went out to commit another magical sunrise to memory card.  We had breakfast and cast off, heading for our home yard.  We moored, showered and got ready, before tidying the boat, packing up and heading for home.

     It had been a wonderful weekend.  Beautiful sunsets, misty mornings and stunning sunrises - Broadland at its picturesque best.  




















    • Like 7
  17. 7 hours ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

     . . . . . . Loddon basin was also dredged out a few years back and has a good depth of water at all states of the tide.

    We were there in November last year and saw an ex hire cruiser being towed off the mud at the moorings in the corner of the basin, nearest to the road.  I couldn’t honestly say whether the tides were unusually low on that occasion, but we moored at the other end of the moorings and were okay.

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